Wing IDE 5.0.7 Released: June 12, 2014

Wingware has released version 5.0.7 of Wing IDE, our cross-platform integrated development environment for the Python programming language.
Wing IDE includes a professional code editor with vi, emacs, visual studio, and other key bindings, auto-completion, call tips, context-sensitive auto-editing, goto-definition, find uses, refactoring, a powerful graphical debugger, version control, unit testing, search, and many other features.
This minor release contains the following improvements:
- Right click on editor to move program counter within the bottom stack frame
- Support Maya 2015 and MotionBuilder 2015
- Support for Nuke version 8
- Support for Stackless Python version 3.3
- How-To for using Wing IDE with Source Filmmaker
- Support for Python 2.6+ built with Visual Studio 2012
- Added a legend for the auto-completer icons in the documentation
- Preference to control whether Wing quits on OS X when the last window is closed (default=False)
- Added color palettes based on Solarized by Ethan Schoonover
- Fixed matplotlib TkAgg backend support for Python 3
- Several VI mode fixes
- Goto symbol in index menu even if it's the current menu choice
- Improve keyboard navigability of list widgets
- About 25 other bug fixes; see the change log for details
What's New in Wing 5
- Native GUI on OS X and better overall OS-native look and feel
- Draggable tools and editors
- Configurable toolbar and editor & project context menus
- Lockable editor splits and mode to open different files in each split
- Sharable color palettes and syntax highlighting configurations
- Auto-editing is on by default (except some operations that have a learning curve)
- Optional Python Turbo completion (context-appropriate completion on all non-symbol keys)
- Improved Source Assistant with PEP 287 docstring rendering and return types
- Move debug program counter
- Named file sets
- New Project dialog
- Sharable launch configurations and named entry points
- Asynchronous I/O in Debug Probe and Python Shell
- More control over unit testing environment
- Initial preferences dialog for new users
- Support for Python 3.4 and Stackless Python 3.3
- Support for Django 1.6
- Support for matplotlib on Anaconda and with MacOSX backend
- Support for Maya 2015, MotionBuilder 2015, Nuke 8, and Source Filmmaker
- Improved integrated and PDF documentation
- Expanded and rewritten tutorial
For more details, see What's New in Wing IDE 5.
About Wing IDE
Wing IDE is an integrated development environment designed specifically for the Python programming language. It provides powerful editing, testing, and debugging features that help reduce development and debugging time, cut down on coding errors, and make it easier to understand and navigate Python code. Wing IDE can be used to develop Python code for web, GUI, and embedded scripting applications.
Wing IDE is available in three product levels: Wing IDE Professional is the full-featured Python IDE, Wing IDE Personal offers a reduced feature set at a low price, and Wing IDE 101 is a free simplified version designed for teaching beginning programming courses with Python.
Version 5.0 of Wing IDE Professional includes the following major features:
- Native GUI on OS X, Windows, and Linux
- Professional quality code editor with vi, emacs, Visual Studio, Eclipse, and other keyboard personalities
- Code intelligence for Python: Auto-editing, auto-completion, call tips, find uses, goto-definition, error indicators, refactoring, smart indent and rewrapping, and source navigation
- Advanced multi-threaded debugger with graphical UI, command line interaction, conditional breakpoints, data value tooltips over code, watch tool, sharable launch configurations, named entry points, and externally launched and remote debugging
- Powerful search and replace options including keyboard driven and graphical UIs, multi-file, wild card, and regular expression search and replace
- Version control integration for Subversion, CVS, Bazaar, git, Mercurial, and Perforce
- Integrated unit testing with unittest, nose, and doctest frameworks
- Many other features including project manager, bookmarks, code snippets, diff/merge tool, integrated OS command invocation, indentation manager, PyLint integration, and perspectives
- Extremely configurable and may be extended with Python scripts
- Extensive product documentation, tutorial, and How-Tos for Django, Google App Engine, matplotlib, Plone, wxPython, PyQt, mod_wsgi, Autodesk Maya, blender, NUKE/NUKEX, and many other Python libraries and applications
- Django support: Debugs Django templates, provides project setup tools, and runs Django unit tests
Please refer to the feature list for a detailed listing of features by product level.
System requirements are Windows XP or later, OS X 10.6 or later, or a recent Linux system (either 32 or 64 bit). Wing IDE supports Python versions 2.5 through 3.4 and Stackless Python.
For more information, see the Wing IDE product overview.
Wing IDE Professional and Wing IDE Personal are commercial software and require a license to run. A free trial can be obtained directly from the product when launched.
Wing IDE Pro -- Full-featured product
Wing IDE Personal -- A simplified IDE
Wing IDE 101 -- For teaching with Python
Purchasing and Upgrading
Wing IDE Professional and Wing IDE Personal require the purchase of a license or upgrade of a Wing IDE 2.x, 3.x, or 4.x license.
Wing IDE 101 is free and does not require a license to run.