Supported Python versions

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Wing 10 supports versions 2.6 to 2.7 and 3.3 to 3.12 of Python from, Anaconda, ActivePython, cygwin, MacPorts, Fink, Homebrew, and other distributions based on CPython.

macOS and Linux come with Python. On Windows, you will need to install one of the above before using Wing.

Wing can also be used with alternative Python implementations such as PyPy, IronPython, and Jython, but the debugger and Python Shell will not work.

Both 32-bit and 64-bit compilations of Python are supported on Windows and Linux. On Linux, 32-bit Intel/AMD Python can be debugged either by installing 32-bit compatibility libraries on a 64-bit Linux system or by using Wing Pro's remote development feature. Remote development is the only option for working with ARMv6 and ARMv7 systems. On macOS only 64-bit Python is supported.

Wing Pro users can also compile Wing's debugger on other operating systems, and against custom versions of Python (requires NDA).