Debugger Commands

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Debugger Commands

Commands that control the debugger and current debug process, if any.

break-clear ()

Clear the breakpoint on the current line Key Bindings: Wing: F9; Brief: F9; Eclipse: Ctrl-Shift-B; Emacs: Ctrl-X Space; macOS: F9; MATLAB: F9; VI/VIM: F9; Visual Studio: F9; XCode: F9

break-clear-all ()

Clear all breakpoints Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-F9; Brief: Ctrl-F9; Eclipse: Ctrl-F9; Emacs: Ctrl-F9; macOS: Command-F9; MATLAB: Ctrl-F9; VI/VIM: Ctrl-F9; Visual Studio: Ctrl-F9; XCode: Command-F9

break-clear-clicked ()

Clear the breakpoint at current click location

break-disable ()

Disable the breakpoint on current line Key Binding: Shift-F9

break-disable-all ()

Disable all breakpoints Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Shift-F9; Brief: Ctrl-Shift-F9; Eclipse: Ctrl-Shift-F9; Emacs: Ctrl-Shift-F9; MATLAB: Ctrl-Shift-F9; VI/VIM: Ctrl-Shift-F9; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Shift-F9

break-disable-clicked ()

Disable the breakpoint at current click location

break-edit-cond ()

Edit condition for the breakpoint on current line

break-edit-cond-clicked ()

Edit condition for the breakpoint at the current mouse click location

break-enable ()

Enable the breakpoint on the current line Key Binding: Shift-F9

break-enable-all ()

Enable all breakpoints Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Shift-F9; Brief: Ctrl-Shift-F9; Eclipse: Ctrl-Shift-F9; Emacs: Ctrl-Shift-F9; MATLAB: Ctrl-Shift-F9; VI/VIM: Ctrl-Shift-F9; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Shift-F9

break-enable-clicked ()

Enable the breakpoint at current click location

break-enable-toggle ()

Toggle whether breakpoint on current line is enabled or disabled

break-ignore ()

Ignore the breakpoint on current line for N iterations

break-ignore-clicked ()

Ignore the breakpoint at the current mouse click location for N iterations

break-set ()

Set a new regular breakpoint on current line *Key Bindings: Wing: F9; Brief: F9; Eclipse: Ctrl-Shift-B; Emacs: Ctrl-X Space; macOS: F9; MATLAB: F9; VI/VIM: F9; Visual Studio: F9; XCode: Command-*

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 64); backlink

Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.

break-set-clicked ()

Set a new regular breakpoint at the current mouse click location

break-set-cond ()

Set a new conditional breakpoint on current line

break-set-cond-clicked ()

Set a new conditional breakpoint at the current mouse click location

break-set-disabled ()

Set a disabled breakpoint on the current line Key Bindings: Wing: Shift-F9; Brief: Shift-F9; Eclipse: Shift-F9; Emacs: Shift-F9; MATLAB: Shift-F9; VI/VIM: Shift-F9; Visual Studio: Shift-F9

break-set-temp ()

Set a new temporary breakpoint on current line

break-set-temp-clicked ()

Set a new temporary breakpoint at the current mouse click location

break-toggle ()

Toggle breakpoint at current line (creates new regular bp when one is created) Key Bindings: XCode: Command-Y

clear-debugger-security-tokens ()

Clear the stored security tokens for accepting external debug connections

clear-exception-ignores-list ()

Clear list of exceptions being ignored during debugging

clear-var-errors ()

Clear stored variable errors so they get refetched

cluster-menu-items ()

Not documented

collapse-tree-more ()

Collapse whole selected variables display subtree one more level

create-cluster (name='', shared=False)

Create a new cluster configuration and open the cluster attribute dialog.

create-container (name='', shared=False)

Create a new container configuration and open the container attribute dialog.

create-launch-config (name)

Create a new launch configuration with the given name if it does not already exist, and then open the launch configuration attribute dialog.

create-named-entry-point (name)

Create a new named entry point if it does not already exist, and then open the named entry point attribute dialog.

create-remote-host (name='', shared=False)

Create a new remote host configuration and open the remote host attribute dialog.

debug-attach ()

Attach to an already-running debug process

debug-console-clear ()

Clear the Debug Console.

debug-console-evaluate-active-range ()

Evaluate the active range in the Debug Console, if any is set

debug-console-show-active-range ()

Show the active range set in the Debug Console in the editor.

debug-console-toggle-active-range ()

Toggle the active range in the Debug Console: The active range is cleared if already set, or otherwise set using the current editor selection.

debug-continue (show_dialog=None)

Start or continue debugging to next breakpoint or exception (press Alt to continue all paused debug processes) Key Bindings: Wing: F5; Brief: F5; Eclipse: F8; Emacs: Ctrl-C Ctrl-C; macOS: F5; MATLAB: F5; VI/VIM: F5; Visual Studio: F5; XCode: Command-R

debug-continue-all ()

Continue all paused debug processes Key Bindings: Wing: Shift-Alt-F5; Brief: Shift-Alt-F5; Eclipse: Shift-Alt-F5; Emacs: Shift-Alt-F5; MATLAB: Shift-Alt-F5; VI/VIM: Shift-Alt-F5; Visual Studio: Shift-Alt-F5

debug-detach ()

Detach from the debug process and let it run

debug-detach-all ()

Detach from all debug processes and let them run

debug-file (show_dialog=None)

Start debugging the current file (rather than the main entry point) Key Bindings: Wing: Shift-F5; Brief: Shift-F5; Eclipse: Shift-F5; Emacs: Shift-F5; macOS: Shift-F5; MATLAB: Shift-F5; VI/VIM: Shift-F5; Visual Studio: Ctrl-F5; XCode: Shift-F5

debug-hide-value-tips ()

Hide all the debug value tooltips previously shown with debug_show_value_tips() Key Binding: Release-Shift-Space

debug-kill ()

Terminate current debug session (press Alt to terminate all debug processes) Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-F5; Brief: Ctrl-F5; Eclipse: Ctrl-F5; Emacs: Ctrl-C Ctrl-K; macOS: Command-.; MATLAB: Shift-F5; VI/VIM: Ctrl-F5; Visual Studio: Shift-F5; XCode: Command-.

debug-kill-all ()

Terminate all debug processes Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Alt-F5; Brief: Ctrl-Alt-F5; Eclipse: Ctrl-Alt-F5; Emacs: Ctrl-Alt-F5; MATLAB: Ctrl-Alt-F5; VI/VIM: Ctrl-Alt-F5; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Alt-F5

debug-move-counter ()

Move program counter to caret

debug-move-counter-clicked ()

Move program counter to click location

debug-named-entry-point (name)

Debug the named entry point

debug-new-process (show_dialog=None)

Start a new debug process running

debug-rerun ()

Re-run the latest debug session that was launched from the IDE

debug-restart ()

Stop and restart debugging (press Alt to restart all debug processes)

debug-restart-all ()

Stop and restart all debug processes that were launched from the IDE

debug-show-environment ()

Show the debug run arguments and environment configuration dialog for the main entry point or current file

debug-show-value-tips (release_toggle=False)

Show tooltips on all visible editors indicating the current value of all visible symbols. The value of release_toggle controls whether this command is available if the tips are already shown; this can be used to prevent execution of fallback commands on a key binding while the tips are already visible, if the key is pressed again or reported in key repeat events while the key is held down. Key Binding: Shift-Space invokes debug-show-value-tips(release_toggle=True)

debug-stack-menu-items ()

Not documented

debug-stop ()

Pause debug at current program counter (press Alt to pause all debug processes) Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Shift-F5; Brief: Ctrl-Shift-F5; Eclipse: Ctrl-Shift-I; Emacs: Ctrl-C Ctrl-S; macOS: Command-Shift-F5; MATLAB: Ctrl-C; VI/VIM: Ctrl-Shift-F5; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Shift-F5; XCode: Command-.

debug-stop-all ()

Pause all free-running debug processes at the current program counter Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Shift-Alt-F5; Brief: Ctrl-Shift-Alt-F5; Eclipse: Ctrl-Shift-Alt-F5; Emacs: Ctrl-Shift-Alt-F5; MATLAB: Ctrl-Shift-Alt-F5; VI/VIM: Ctrl-Shift-Alt-F5; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Shift-Alt-F5

debug-to-clicked (new_process=False)

Debug to the line at the current mouse click location

exception-always-stop ()

Always stop on exceptions, even if they are handled by the code

exception-never-stop ()

Never stop on exceptions, even if they are unhandled in the code

exception-stop-when-printed ()

Stop only on exceptions when they are about to be printed

exception-unhandled-stop ()

Stop only on exceptions that are not handled by the code

execute-main ()

Execute the main entry point outside of the debugger, or the current Python file if no main entry point is defined

execute-named-entry-point (name)

Execute (without debugging) the named entry point

expand-tree-more ()

Expand whole selected variables display subtree deeper

force-var-reload ()

Force refetch of a value from server

frame-down ()

Move down the current debug stack Key Binding: F12

frame-show ()

Show the position (thread and stack frame) where the debugger originally stopped Key Bindings: Wing: Shift-F11; Brief: Shift-F11; Eclipse: Shift-F11; Emacs: Shift-F11; MATLAB: Shift-F11; VI/VIM: Shift-F11; Visual Studio: Shift-F11

frame-toggle ()

Jump between the innermost, project, and test stack frames

frame-up ()

Move up the current debug stack Key Binding: F11

hide-debug-value-detail ()

Hide the debug value detail area

internal-extra-debugger-logging-start ()

Turn on additional logging for diagnosing problems with the debugger

internal-extra-debugger-logging-stop ()

Turn off additional logging for diagnosing problems with the debugger

interrupt-debugger ()

Interupt debugger execution; equivalent to ctrl-c on command line

manage-clusters ()

Display the cluster configuration manager

manage-containers ()

Display the container configuration manager

manage-launch-configs ()

Display the launch config manager

manage-named-entry-points ()

Display the named entry point manager

manage-remote-hosts ()

Display the remote host configuration manager

python-shell-clear (show=False, focus=False, scope='all')

Clear text in the python shell, according to given scope ('all' for whole shell, 'selection' for selection and 'entry' for text entered since the last prompt). Optionally shows the Python Shell if not already visible and/or sets focus into it.

python-shell-evaluate-active-range ()

Evaluate the active range in the Python Shell, if any is set

python-shell-kill ()

Kill python shell process.

python-shell-restart (show=False, focus=False, prompt=False)

Restart python shell, optionally showing the Python Shell tool and/or placing keyboard focus on it. Prompts the user first when prompt is True or when prompt is 'pref' and the user has not asked to bypass the prompt.

python-shell-show-active-range ()

Show the active range set in the Python Shell in the editor.

python-shell-toggle-active-range ()

Toggle the active range in the Python Shell: The active range is cleared if already set, or otherwise set using the current editor selection.

run-build-command ()

Execute the build command defined in the project, if any Key Bindings: XCode: Command-B

run-to-cursor (new_process=False)

Run to current cursor position Key Bindings: Wing: Alt-F5; Brief: Alt-F5; Eclipse: Ctrl-F5; Emacs: Alt-F5; MATLAB: Alt-F5; VI/VIM: Alt-F5; Visual Studio: Alt-F5

shell-copy-with-prompts (shell=None)

Copy text from shell, including all prompts

shell-ctrl-down ()

Not documented

shell-ctrl-return ()

Not documented Key Bindings: MATLAB: Shift-Return

shell-ctrl-up ()

Not documented

show-debug-value-as-array ()

Show the selected value as an array

show-debug-value-as-text ()

Show the selected value as text

step-into (show_dialog=None, new_process=False)

Step into current execution point, or start debugging at first line Key Bindings: Wing: F7; Brief: F7; Eclipse: F5; Emacs: F7; macOS: F7; MATLAB: F11; VI/VIM: F7; Visual Studio: F11; XCode: F7

step-out ()

Step out of the current function or method Key Bindings: Wing: F8; Brief: F8; Eclipse: F7; Emacs: F8; macOS: F8; MATLAB: F8; VI/VIM: F8; Visual Studio: Shift-F11; XCode: F8

step-out-to-frame (frame_idx=None)

Step out of the given frame (0=outermost) in the primary stack. Frame is None to step out to the currently selected stack frame.

step-over ()

Step over current instruction Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-F6; Brief: Ctrl-F6; Eclipse: Ctrl-F6; Emacs: Ctrl-F6; MATLAB: Ctrl-F6; VI/VIM: Ctrl-F6; Visual Studio: Ctrl-F6

step-over-block ()

Step over current block

step-over-line ()

Step over current line

step-over-statement ()

Step over current statement Key Bindings: Wing: F6; Brief: F6; Eclipse: F6; Emacs: F6; macOS: F6; MATLAB: F10; VI/VIM: F6; Visual Studio: F10; XCode: F6

watch (style='ref')

Watch selected variable using a direct object reference to track it

watch-expression (expr=None)

Add a new expression to the watch list

watch-module-ref ()

Watch selected value relative to a module looked up by name in sys.modules

watch-parent-ref ()

Watch selected variable using a reference to the value's parent and the key slot for the value

watch-ref ()

Watch selected variable using a direct object reference to track it

watch-symbolic ()

Watch selected value using the symbolic path to it

Debugger Watch Commands

Commands for the debugger's Watch tool (Wing Pro only). These are available only when the watch tool has key board focus.

watch-clear-all ()

Clear all entries from the watch list

watch-clear-selected ()

Clear selected entry from the watch list

Call Stack View Commands

Commands available on a specific instance of the call stack tool

callstack-copy-to-clipboard ()

Copy the call stack to the clipboard, as text

callstack-set-codeline-mode (mode)

Set the code line display mode for this call stack

callstack-show-docs ()

Show documentation for the call stack manager

Exceptions Commands

Commands available when the debugger's Exceptions tool has the keyboard focus.

clear ()

Clear the exception currently shown on the display

copy ()

Copy the exception traceback to the clipboard Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-C; Brief: Ctrl-C; Eclipse: Ctrl-C; Emacs: Alt-W; macOS: Command-C; MATLAB: Ctrl-C; VI/VIM: Ctrl-Insert; Visual Studio: Ctrl-C; XCode: Command-C

Breakpoint View Commands

Commands available on a specific instance of the breakpoint manager tool

bpmanager-clear-selected ()

Clear breakpoints currently selected on the breakpoint manager

bpmanager-show-docs ()

Show documentation for the breakpoint manager

bpmanager-show-selected ()

Show source location for breakpoint currently selected on the breakpoint manager