Wing Python IDE Early Access - February 8, 2019
The second beta release of Wing Python IDE version 7 is now available through our Early Access Program. Although you may find minor problems, this release is stable and usable for real work.
Some of the highlights of this release include:
New Dracula Dark Theme
This new dark mode color palette was based on the Dracula dark mode theme. To try it, select Dracula for the User Interface > Color Palette preference and be sure to check on Use Color Palette Throughout the UI.

High-Level Configuration Menu
This release adds a menu in the top right of the window that makes it easier to toggle dark mode, change keyboard personality for editor emulation, and make other common configuration changes. On Windows and Linux, the menu bar may also be hidden and incorporated into this menu.

Presentation Mode
Easily switch to a magnified display mode for lectures, meetings, and other presentations where others will need to be able to read the screen at a distance.

Improved High DPI Display
This release also improves display on high DPI monitors on Windows and Linux. On Linux, Wing may now suggest a scale factor configuration based on inspection of your primary display.
For details on this release and other new features in Wing 7, see Early Access Program.