Wing Tips: Source Assistant in Wing Pro
This Wing Tip introduces the Source Assistant tool in Wing Pro, which provides context-sensitive at-your-fingertips code intelligence and documentation as you navigate through or write Python code.
The Source Assistant is where Wing Pro shows details about the type of a symbol, including documentation, call signature, and information about object inheritance and overridden methods. For builtin types and the standard library, this includes also links into Python documentation.
The Source Assistant is integrated with every part of Wing IDE, so it shows information for the current selection in the editor, auto-completer, Python Shell, Source Browser, Project manager, and Debug Console. It continuously updates as you move through your code or write new code.
Here are some examples of the Source Assistant in action in the editor, auto-completer, and Source Browser:

Shown above: Moving through code in the editor, the auto-completer, and Source Browser to view type signature, documentation, and other code intelligence in Wing Pro's Source Assistant tool.
See the Source Assistant documentation for details.
That's it for now! We'll be back soon with more Wing Tips for Wing Python IDE.
As always, please don't hesitate to email if you run into problems or have any questions.
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