Download Wing Pro:

Ubuntu/Debian Package
Intel 64-bit
SHA1: d33ee7e2f7a85a13711f961a02126f36f0897c06

RPM Package
Intel 64-bit
SHA1: 35e558ec61152c8535c1193315a82658890bdc09

Linux (x86 64-bit) tar file installer
Intel 64-bit
SHA1: 6ec44a50069f68a4e9f95830c0c3e738584a8260

Change Log

QuickstartUS Letter  A4  
TutorialUS Letter  A4  
ManualUS Letter  A4  
How-TosUS Letter  A4  

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Also Available:   Installers   Debugger Packages  

Other OSes:   Windows   MacOS  
Other Versions:   9.1.2   8.3.3   7.2.9   6.1.5   5.1.12   4.1.14   3.2.13   10.0.5   all versions