Download Wing Pro:

Windows Installer
32-bit and 64-bit
SHA1: 5bdb1582e68ff6b5650ce3243eec2e6d45b637d8

Windows Zip File
32-bit and 64-bit
SHA1: daf3b42c446f58a6b5ef89c9665c93425fca55c2

Change Log

TutorialUS Letter  A4  
ManualUS Letter  A4  
How-TosUS Letter  A4  

The easiest way to apply patches is with Check for Updates in Wing's Help menu. To apply a patch manually, unpack it into the Installation Directory listed in Wing's About box. After restarting Wing, the About box will also show the installed patches by number.

Fix PEP 8 Line After Edit Auto-reformat6.1.5-1p1  Fix PEP 8 auto-reformatting mode Line After Edit to reformat only the changed line so auto-indent is not lost and caret position is retained correctly

Also Available:   Installers   Debugger Packages   Source Code  

Other OSes:   Windows   MacOS   Intel Linux  
Other Versions:   9.1.2   8.3.3   7.2.9   5.1.12   4.1.14   3.2.13   10.0.5   all versions