Download Wing Pro:

Ubuntu/Debian Package
Intel 64-bit
SHA1: e3172ebe6c71038c1fc57f1856a8485042520630

RPM Package
Intel 64-bit
SHA1: 6bad7606e54298c59cc88ff71fa2016897046770

Linux (x86 64-bit) tar file installer
Intel 64-bit
SHA1: cece82f060c64e329caeed6fdf005c54ca769257

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Supported Python Versions
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These packages make it possible for Wing Pro to develop and debug code remotely. In most cases, installation is done from Remote Hosts in Wing Pro's Project menu. Alternatively, download and unpack the package matching your remote host. For details on remote development, see Remote Hosts.

Wing Debugger10.0.6  Linux 32-bit ARM debugger package
Wing Debugger10.0.6  Linux 32-bit Intel debugger package
Wing Debugger10.0.6  Linux 64-bit ARM debugger package
Wing Debugger10.0.6  Linux 64-bit Intel debugger package
Wing Debugger10.0.6  MacOS debugger package (Intel and Apple Silicon)
Wing Debugger10.0.6  Windows debugger package

Also Available:   Installers   Source Code  

Other OSes:   Windows   MacOS   ARM Linux  
Other Versions:   9.1.2   8.3.3   7.2.9   6.1.5   5.1.12   4.1.14   3.2.13   all versions