Download Wing Pro:

Ubuntu/Debian Package
ARM 64-bit
SHA1: 66d96dbdfdb3964c3cb669596e1b886c8a5b772d

RPM Package
ARM 64-bit
SHA1: a9341240485d87d049eae878e034a23bc05a03f1

Linux (arm 64-bit) tar file installer
ARM 64-bit
SHA1: 588ef8c57ca3ddea0df29db5e12020b838871764

Supported OSes
Supported Python Versions
Change Log

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The easiest way to apply patches is with Check for Updates in Wing's Help menu. To apply a patch manually, unpack it into the Installation Directory listed in Wing's About box. After restarting Wing, the About box will also show the installed patches by number.

No patches available.

Also Available:   Installers   Debugger Packages   Source Code  

Other OSes:   Windows   MacOS   Intel Linux  
Other Versions:   9.1.2   8.3.3   7.2.9   6.1.5   5.1.12   4.1.14   3.2.13   all versions