Download Wing Personal:

Ubuntu/Debian Package
Intel 64-bit
SHA1: 07f10028b16367094f2b08ea7eb7cf59c28481ed

RPM Package
Intel 64-bit
SHA1: dcb20ae662c74346c81e310b13a266ffa382e334

Linux (x86 64-bit) tar file installer
Intel 64-bit
SHA1: 582f4c29c79a093e248f2691788797d4cb4e252c

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TutorialUS Letter  A4  
ManualUS Letter  A4  
How-TosUS Letter  A4  

Wing Personal - Version 10.0.1 - Released 2024-01-18

Wing Personal is a free Python IDE designed for students and hobbyists. It omits many features found in Wing Pro. Compare Products

Wing Personal is free to use for any purpose and does not require a license to run.

Other OSes:   Windows   MacOS  
Other Versions:   9.1.2   8.3.3   7.2.9   6.1.5   5.1.12   4.1.14   3.2.13   10.0.5   all versions

Other Products:   Wing Pro   Wing 101