Preferences Reference

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This chapter documents the entire set of available preferences for Wing Pro. Note that this includes preferences that are ignored and unused in Wing Personal and Wing 101.

Most preferences can be set from the Preferences GUI but some users may wish to build preference files manually to control different instances of Wing (see details in Preferences Customization).

User Interface

Display Language

The language to use for the user interface. Either the default for this system, or set to a specific supported language.

Internal Name: main.display-language

Data Specification: [None, en, de, fr, ru]

Default Value: None

Display Mode

Selects the overall display mode, either emulating the OS or using the specified light or dark display theme.

Internal Name: gui.display-mode

Data Specification: [light, dark]

Default Value: dark

Light Theme

The display theme for Wing's user interface when in light background mode. All color preferences default to using colors from the theme, but can be overridden individually. Additional themes can be defined and added to the 'palettes' sub-directory of the User Settings directory.

Internal Name: gui.light-display-theme

Data Specification: [None or <type str>]

Default Value: wing-classic

Light Editor

The light display theme for Wing's editor, either the same as the Light Theme or a selected theme.

Internal Name: gui.light-editor-theme

Data Specification: [None or <type str>]

Default Value: None

Dark Theme

The display theme for Wing's user interface when in dark background mode. All color preferences default to using colors from the theme, but can be overridden individually. Additional themes can be defined and added to the 'palettes' sub-directory of the User Settings directory.

Internal Name: gui.dark-display-theme

Data Specification: [None or <type str>]

Default Value: one-dark

Dark Editor

The dark display theme for Wing's editor, either the same as the Dark Theme or a selected theme.

Internal Name: gui.dark-editor-theme

Data Specification: [None or <type str>]

Default Value: None

Enable Tooltips

Controls whether or not tooltips containing help are shown when the mouse hovers over areas of the user interface.

Internal Name: gui.enable-tooltips

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Tooltip Delay

The time in seconds to wait after the mouse cursor stops moving before any tooltips are displayed.

Internal Name: gui.tooltips-delay

Data Specification: <type int>

Default Value: 0.5

  • Layout

Windowing Policy

Policy to use for window creation: Combined Toolbox and Editor mode places toolboxes into editor windows, and Separate Toolbox mode creates separate toolbox windows.

Internal Name: gui.windowing-policy

Data Specification: [combined-window, separate-toolbox-window]

Default Value: combined-window

Show Menubar

Whether to show the menu bar in the window. When this is False, a menu icon is added to the top right.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Show Editor Tabs

Controls whether or not Wing shows tabs for switching between editors. When false, a popup menu is used instead.

Internal Name: gui.use-notebook-editors

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Presentation Mode

Controls whether Wing runs in presentation mode, which magnifies the user interface. Wing must be restarted before this value takes effect.

Internal Name: main.presentation-mode

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

Presentation Mode Scale Factor

The amount by which to increase UI size when presentation mode is enabled. Wing must be restarted before this value takes effect.

Internal Name: main.presentation-scale-factor

Data Specification: <type float>

Default Value: 2.0

  • Toolbar

Show Toolbar

Whether toolbar is shown in any window.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Toolbar Size

Sets size of the toolbar icons. By default, adjusts according to available space.

Internal Name: gui.toolbar-icon-size

Data Specification: [small, medium, large, xlarge, text-height, default]

Default Value: auto

Toolbar Style

Select style of toolbar icons to use. By default, adjusts according to available space.

Internal Name: gui.toolbar-icon-style

Data Specification: [auto, icon-only, text-only, text-below, text-right, default]

Default Value: auto

Groups Shown

Controls which groups of tools will be shown in the toolbar.

Internal Name: guimgr.toolbar-groups

Data Specification: [list of: [file, clip, select, batch-search, search, diff, bookmark, indent, test, vcs, proj, debug]]

Default Value: ['file', 'clip', 'select', 'search', 'diff', 'indent', 'proj', 'debug']

Custom Items

Extra items to add to the tool bar.

Internal Name: guimgr.toolbar-custom-items

Data Specification: [tuple of: [tuple length 3 of: <icon spec>, <type str>, <type str>]]

Default Value: ()

Primary Icon Color

Primary color for icons

Internal Name: gui.icon-color-primary

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

Secondary Icon Color

Secondary color for icons

Internal Name: gui.icon-color-secondary

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

Tertiary Icon Color

Tertiary color for icons

Internal Name: gui.icon-color-tertiary

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

Quaternary Icon Color

Quaternary color for icons

Internal Name: gui.icon-color-quaternary

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

Quinary Icon Color

Quinary color for icons

Internal Name: gui.icon-color-quinary

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

Senary Icon Color

Senary color for icons

Internal Name: gui.icon-color-senary

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

  • Fonts

Display Font/Size

The base font and size to use for the user interface's menus and labels

Internal Name: gui.qt-display-font

Data Specification: [None or <type str>]

Default Value: None

Editor Font/Size

The base font and size to use for source code shown in the editor, Python Shell, Debug Console, Source Assistant, and other tools that display source code.

Internal Name: edit.qt-display-font

Data Specification: [None or <type str>]

Default Value: None

  • Keyboard


Selects the overall editor personality, optionally to emulate another commonly used editor.

Internal Name: edit.personality

Data Specification: [normal, brief, eclipse, emacs, matlab, vi, visualstudio]

Default Value: normal

Tab Key Action

Defines the action of the Tab key, one of: "Default for Personality" to emulate the selected Keyboard Personality. "Indent To Match" to indent the current line or selected line(s) to match the context, "Move to Next Tab Stop" to enter indentation characters so the caret reaches the next tab stop, "Indent Region" to increase the indentation of the selected line(s) by one level, or "Insert Tab Character" to insert a Tab character (chr(9)). For Python files, "Smart Tab" is an option that varies the tab key action according to the location of the caret within the line.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: [dict; keys: <type str>, values: <type str>]

Default Value: {'*': '--default--', 'text/x-python': '--default--'}

Smart Tab End of Line Indents

Select type of indentation that Smart Tab will place at the end of a line.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: [None, 1, 2, 3, 4]

Default Value: 4

Use Alt Key Only for Underlined Alt- Accelerators

Specifies whether Alt keystrokes should be used only for accelerators. When enabled, Alt-key presses will never be used for key bindings and pressing the Alt key alone will shift focus to the menu bar. This preference is ignored when Wing is running with native macOS display style, since in that case Alt- accelerators do not exist.

Internal Name: gui.qt-os-alt-for-accelerators

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

Always Underline Alt- Accelerators

Whether to underline Alt key accelerators even if the Alt has not been pressed.

Internal Name: main.always-underline-mnemonics

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

Custom Key Bindings

Override key bindings in the keymap. To enter the key, place focus on the entry area and type the key combination desired. The command is one of those documented in the user manual's Command Reference, or the name of any user scripts that have been loaded into the IDE. Leave the command name blank to remove the default binding for a key (this is useful when adding multi-key bindings that conflict with a default).

Internal Name: gui.keymap-override

Data Specification: [dict; keys: <type str>, values: <type str>]

Default Value: {}

Typing Group Timeout

Sets the timeout in seconds to use for typing, after which keys pressed are considered a separate group of characters. This is used for typing-to-select on lists and in other GUI areas. Before the timeout subsequent keys are added to previous ones to refine the selection during keyboard navigation.

Internal Name: gui.typing-group-timeout

Data Specification: <type float>, <type int>

Default Value: 1

VI Mode Ctrl-C/X/V

Controls the behavior of the Ctrl-X/C/V key bindings in vi mode. Either always use these for cut/copy/paste, use them for vi native actions such as initiate-numeric-repeat and start-select-rectangle, or use the default by system (clipboard on win32 and other commands elsewhere).

Internal Name: vi-mode.clipboard-bindings

Data Specification: [system-default, clipboard, other]

Default Value: system-default

  • Perspectives

Auto-save Perspectives

Selects whether to auto-save perspectives when switching to another perspective. Can always auto-save, never auto-save, prompt each time a perspective is left, or auto-save as configured on a per-perspective basis.

Internal Name: main.perspective-auto-save

Data Specification: [tuple length 2 of: [always, never, prompt, choose], <type str>]

Default Value: always

Shared Perspective File

Selects the file to use for storing and retrieving shared perspectives. By default (when value is None) the file 'perspectives' in the user settings directory is used.

Internal Name: main.perspective-shared-file

Data Specification: [one of: <type NoneType>, <type str>]

Default Value: None

  • Other

Show Splash Screen

Controls whether or not the splash screen is shown at startup.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

When Launching Wing

Controls whether Wing tries to reuse an existing running instance of the IDE when it is launched again.

Internal Name: main.instance-reuse-policy

Data Specification: [None, reuse, new]

Default Value: None

Icon and window scale factor

Scale factor for icons, windows, and other graphical elements other than fonts. Can either be a single number or a ; (semicolon) separated list of per-screen scale factors in the format used by the QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS environment variable. This has no effect if the QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS environment variable is set before Wing is started Wing must be restarted before this value takes effect.

Internal Name: main.non-font-scale-factor

Data Specification: <type str>

Default Value: ""

Suggest icon and window scale factor based on font size

Whether to suggest per-screen scale factors at startup, based on inspection of font size on each attached display.

Internal Name: main.suggest-non-font-scale-factor

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Auto-Focus Tools

Controls whether to automatically move keyboard focus from the editor to tools when they are revealed.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Case Sensitive Sorting

Controls whether names are sorted case sensitively (with all caps preceding small letters) or case insensitively

Internal Name: gui.sort-case-sensitive

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

Always Use Full Path in Tooltips

Enable to always show the full path of a file name in the tooltips shown from the editor tabs and file selection menus. When disabled, the configured Source Title Style is used instead.

Internal Name: gui.full-path-in-tooltips

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

  • Advanced

Max Error Log Size

The number of bytes at which the IDE log file (USER_SETTINGS_DIR/ide.log) is truncated. This file can be sent to technical support to help diagnose problems with the IDE.

Internal Name: main.max-error-log-size

Data Specification: [from 10000 to 10000000]

Default Value: 500000

Shared File Sets Repository

Selects the file to use for storing and retrieving shared named files sets. By default (when value is None) the file 'filesets' in the user settings directory is used.

Internal Name: main.fileset-shared-file

Data Specification: [one of: <type NoneType>, <type str>]

Default Value: None

Key Map File

Defines location of the keymap override file. Use None for default according to configured editor personality. See the Wing Manual for details on building your keymap override file -- in general this is used only in development or debugging keymaps; use the keymap-override preference instead for better tracking across Wing versions.

Internal Name: gui.keymap

Data Specification: [None or <type str>]

Default Value: None

Auto-check for Product Updates

Automatically check for updates at startup by connecting to Updates are checked every three days, or more often for prerelease versions.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Submit Usage Stats

Allow submitting a log of which features you use to Wingware. This is done periodically at startup and also when you submit bug reports, feedback, or check for updates. The data provided is held confidential, used only for technical support and planning future development, and can be seen in the file USER_SETTINGS_DIR/stats.log

Internal Name: main.submit-usage-stats

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Show Support+Upgrades Reminders

Show a reminder when Support+Upgrades for the active license is expired or will expire soon.

Internal Name: main.monitor-support-upgrades

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Show Discount Offers

Controls whether Wing will periodically show discount offers.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Use Automatic Screen Scale Factors

Automatically set scale factor based on screen dpi.

Internal Name: .main.set-auto-screen-scale-factor

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False


Auto-reopen Last Project

Controls whether most recent project is reopened at startup, in the absence of any other project on the command line.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Close Files with Project

Controls whether any files open in an editor are also closed when a project file is closed

Internal Name: proj.close-also-windows

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Open Projects as Text

Controls whether project files are opened as project or as text when opened from the File menu. This does not affect opening from the Project menu.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

Confirm Drag Copy/Move

Controls whether or not the IDE will confirm file copy/move operations initiated by dragging items around on the Project view.

Internal Name: proj.confirm-file-drags

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

  • Context Menu

Groups Shown

Controls which groups of menu items will be shown in the Project tool's context menu.

Internal Name: proj.context-menu-groups

Data Specification: [tuple of: [clip, nav, debug, vcs, proj, file, script]]

Default Value: ['clip', 'nav', 'debug', 'vcs', 'proj', 'file', 'script']

Custom Items

Extra menu items to add to the Project tool context menu.

Internal Name: proj.context-menu-custom-items

Data Specification: [tuple of: [tuple length 2 of: <type str>, <type str>]]

Default Value: ()

  • Containers

Warn Before Container Configuration

Controls whether to show a warning before editing a container configuration or stopping a container that is currently in use.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Notify Container Configuration Change

Controls whether to show a notice after a change in Project Properties results in a change to the effective container configuration.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

When Container Image Changes

Controls what action to take if the container image for a running container instance is rebuilt or changes. Auto-restarting instances will terminate all debug, test, OS Command, Python Shell processes on the container without confirmation.

Internal Name: main.container-image-changed-policy

Data Specification: [auto-restart, leave-running, prompt]

Default Value: None

Warn Before Cluster Configuration

Controls whether to show a warning before editing a cluster configuration or stopping a cluster that is currently in use.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Notify Cluster Configuration Change

Controls whether to show a notice when a cluster configuration is changed, causing the cluster to be terminated and restarted.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

When Cluster Image Changes

Controls what action to take if container images used in a running cluster are rebuilt or change. Auto-restarting the cluster will terminate without confirmation all in-cluster debug, unit test, OS Command, Python Shell processes.

Internal Name: main.cluster-image-changed-policy

Data Specification: [auto-restart, leave-running, prompt]

Default Value: None

Show Environment Warning

Controls whether to show a warning when a project that uses a container or cluster specifies a non-default environment.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True


Auto-Save Files Before Debug or Execute

Controls whether or not all edited files are saved without asking before a debug run, before starting unit tests, or before a file or build process is executed.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

Default Directory Policy

Defines how Wing determines the starting directory to use when prompting for a file name: Either based on location of the resource at current focus, location of the current project home directory, the last directory visited for file selection, the current directory at startup (or selected since), or always the specific fixed directory entered here.

Internal Name: main.start-dir-policy

Data Specification: [tuple length 2 of: [current-focus, current-project, recent-directory, current-directory, selected-directory], <type str>]

Default Value: ('current-focus', '')

Title Style

Format used for titles of source files: Use Base Name Only to display just the file name, Prepend Relative Path to use partial relative path from the project file location or configured Project Home Directory, Append Relative Path to instead append the relative path after the file namePrepend Full Path to use full path, or Append Full Path to instead append the fullpath after the file name.

Internal Name: gui.source-title-style

Data Specification: [basename, prepend-relative, append-relative, prepend-fullpath, append-fullpath]

Default Value: append-relative

Show Hostname in Titles

Show the remote host name in all basename-only filenames used in titles.

Internal Name: gui.include-host-in-titles

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Default Encoding

The default encoding to use for text files opened in the source editor and other tools, when an encoding for that file cannot be determined by reading the file. Other encodings may also be tried. This also sets the encoding to use for newly created files.

Internal Name: edit.default-encoding

Data Specification: [None or [None, ascii, utf_16, utf_16_be, utf_16_le, utf_7, utf_8, iso8859_15, latin_1, iso8859_6, iso8859_13, iso8859_4, iso8859_14, iso8859_2, iso8859_5, iso8859_3, iso8859_7, iso8859_8, iso8859_10, iso8859_9, cp037, cp1140, cp1252, cp850, mac_roman, cp1256, cp864, cp1257, cp775, cp863, cp1250, cp852, mac_latin2, big5hkscs, gb18030, gb2312, gbk, hz, big5, cp950, cp1251, cp855, mac_cyrillic, cp865, cp1253, cp737, cp869, cp875, mac_greek, cp1255, cp424, cp856, cp862, cp861, mac_iceland, cp932, euc_jis_2004, euc_jisx0213, euc_jp, iso_2022_jp, iso_2022_jp_1, iso_2022_jp_2, iso_2022_jp_2004, iso_2022_jp_3, iso_2022_jp_ext, shift_jis, shift_jis_2004, shift_jisx0213, cp949, iso_2022_kr, johab, cp860, koi8_r, cp874, cp1026, cp1254, cp857, mac_turkish, cp437, koi8_u, cp1006, cp1258, cp500]]

Default Value: None

New File EOL

Default end-of-line to use. Wing matches existing line endings in non-blank files and uses this preference only when a file contains no end-of-line characters.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: [lf, cr, crlf]

Default Value: lf

New File Extension

Default file extension for newly created files

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <type str>

Default Value: .py

Max Recent Items

Maximum number of items to display in the Recent menus.

Internal Name: gui.max-recent-files

Data Specification: [from 3 to 200]

Default Value: 20

Maximum File Size (MB)

Maximum size of files that Wing will try to open, in MB.

Internal Name: gui.max-file-size

Data Specification: [from 1 to 100000]

Default Value: 50

  • File Types

Extra File Types

This is a map from file extension or wildcard to mime type. It adds additional file type mappings to those built into Wing. File extensions can be specified alone without dot or wildcard, for example "xcf" or using wildcards containing "*" and/or "?", for example "Makefile*". The mime type to use for Python files is "text/x-python".

Internal Name: main.extra-mime-types

Data Specification: [dict; keys: <type str>, values: [text/x-asn1, text/x-abaqus, text/x-ada, text/x-conf, text/x-ave, text/x-baan, text/x-bash, text/x-bullant, text/x-c-source, text/x-cpp-source, text/x-caml, text/x-cmake, text/x-idl, text/css, text/x-csv, text/x-coffee, text/x-cython, text/x-d, text/x-diff, text/x-django, text/x-docbook, text/x-dos-batch, text/x-escript, text/x-eiffel, text/x-erlang, text/x-errorlist, text/x-forth, text/x-fortran, text/x-po, text/x-hss, text/html, text/x-haskell, text/x-inno-setup, application/json, text/x-java-source, text/x-javascript, application/x-tex, text/x-lot, text/x-less, text/x-lisp, text/x-lout, text/x-lua-source, text/x-mmixal, text/x-ms-idl, text/x-ms-makefile, text/x-makefile, text/x-mako, text/x-markdown, text/x-asm, text/x-matlab, text/x-metaport, text/x-mysql, text/x-nncrontab, text/x-nsis, text/x-octave, text/x-php-source, text/x-pl-sql, text/x-pov, text/x-pascal, text/x-perl, text/plain, text/postscript, text/x-properties, text/x-python, text/x-python-interface, text/x-qss, text/x-r, text/x-rc, text/x-ruby, text/x-scss, text/x-sql, text/x-scriptol, text/x-smalltalk, text/x-spice, text/x-tcl, text/x-vhdl, text/x-vxml, text/x-verilog, text/x-vb-source, text/x-xcode, text/xml, text/x-yaml, text/x-zope-pt]]

Default Value: {}

File Filters

Defines file filters to apply to file names for inclusion and exclusion from a larger set (such as scanned disk files or all project files).

Each filter is named and contains one list of inclusion patterns and one list of exclusion patterns. The patterns can be a wildcard on the file name, wildcard on a directory name, or a mime type name.

Only a single pattern needs to be matched for inclusion or exclusion. Exclusion patterns take precedence over inclusion patterns, so any match on an exclusion pattern will always exclude a file from the selected set. Filters are used in constraining search, adding project files, and for other operations on collections of files.

Internal Name: main.file-filters

Data Specification: [file filters]

Default Value: {'Python Files': ({('mime-type', 'text/x-python'), ('mime-type', 'text/x-cython')}, {('wildcard-directory', '.git'), ('wildcard-filename', '*~'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.svn-base'), ('wildcard-directory', '.xvpics'), ('wildcard-directory', '_svn'), ('wildcard-directory', '.vscode'), ('wildcard-directory', '.*cache'), ('wildcard-filename', '.#*'), ('wildcard-directory', '__pycache__'), ('wildcard-directory', '.hg'), ('wildcard-filename', '.DS_Store'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.swp'), ('wildcard-directory', '.svn'), ('wildcard-filename', '.hgtags'), ('wildcard-directory', '.venv'), ('wildcard-directory', 'CVS'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.orig'), ('wildcard-directory', '.hgcheck'), ('wildcard-filename', '#*#'), ('wildcard-directory', '.bzr'), ('wildcard-filename', '/.coverage')}), 'C/C++ Files': ({('mime-type', 'text/x-cpp-source'), ('mime-type', 'text/x-c-source')}, {('wildcard-directory', '.git'), ('wildcard-filename', '*~'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.svn-base'), ('wildcard-directory', '.xvpics'), ('wildcard-directory', '_svn'), ('wildcard-directory', '.vscode'), ('wildcard-directory', '.*cache'), ('wildcard-filename', '.#*'), ('wildcard-directory', '__pycache__'), ('wildcard-directory', '.hg'), ('wildcard-filename', '.DS_Store'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.swp'), ('wildcard-directory', '.svn'), ('wildcard-filename', '.hgtags'), ('wildcard-directory', '.venv'), ('wildcard-directory', 'CVS'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.orig'), ('wildcard-directory', '.hgcheck'), ('wildcard-filename', '#*#'), ('wildcard-directory', '.bzr'), ('wildcard-filename', '/.coverage')}), 'HTML and XML Files': ({('mime-type', 'text/x-zope-pt'), ('mime-type', 'text/html'), ('mime-type', 'text/xml')}, {('wildcard-directory', '.git'), ('wildcard-filename', '*~'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.svn-base'), ('wildcard-directory', '.xvpics'), ('wildcard-directory', '_svn'), ('wildcard-directory', '.vscode'), ('wildcard-directory', '.*cache'), ('wildcard-filename', '.#*'), ('wildcard-directory', '__pycache__'), ('wildcard-directory', '.hg'), ('wildcard-filename', '.DS_Store'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.swp'), ('wildcard-directory', '.svn'), ('wildcard-filename', '.hgtags'), ('wildcard-directory', '.venv'), ('wildcard-directory', 'CVS'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.orig'), ('wildcard-directory', '.hgcheck'), ('wildcard-filename', '#*#'), ('wildcard-directory', '.bzr'), ('wildcard-filename', '/.coverage')}), 'All Source Files': (set(), {('wildcard-directory', '.git'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.dsw'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.temp'), ('wildcard-filename', '*~'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.exe'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.so'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.svn-base'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.pyd'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.zip'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.log'), ('wildcard-directory', '.xvpics'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.wpr'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.ilk'), ('wildcard-directory', '_svn'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.o'), ('wildcard-directory', '.vscode'), ('wildcard-directory', '.*cache'), ('wildcard-filename', '.#*'), ('wildcard-filename', '*-old'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.manifest'), ('wildcard-filename', '*$py.class'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.dsp'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.sbr'), ('wildcard-directory', '__pycache__'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.bsc'), ('wildcard-directory', '.hg'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.dll'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.tmp'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.obj'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.sln'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.old'), ('wildcard-filename', '.DS_Store'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.pyc'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.swp'), ('wildcard-directory', '.svn'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.a'), ('wildcard-filename', '.hgtags'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.wpu'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.tgz'), ('wildcard-directory', '.venv'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.lib'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.user'), ('wildcard-directory', 'CVS'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.pdb'), ('wildcard-filename', '/core'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.orig'), ('wildcard-directory', '.hgcheck'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.bak'), ('wildcard-filename', '#*#'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.pyo'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.vcproj'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.tar.gz'), ('wildcard-directory', '.bzr'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.suo'), ('wildcard-filename', '/.coverage'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.ncb')}), 'Hidden & Temporary Files': ({('wildcard-directory', '.git'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.temp'), ('wildcard-filename', '*~'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.exe'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.so'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.svn-base'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.pyd'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.zip'), ('wildcard-directory', '.xvpics'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.wpr'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.ilk'), ('wildcard-directory', '_svn'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.o'), ('wildcard-directory', '.vscode'), ('wildcard-directory', '.*cache'), ('wildcard-filename', '.#*'), ('wildcard-filename', '*-old'), ('wildcard-filename', '*$py.class'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.sbr'), ('wildcard-directory', '__pycache__'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.bsc'), ('wildcard-directory', '.hg'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.dll'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.tmp'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.obj'), ('wildcard-filename', '.DS_Store'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.old'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.pyc'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.swp'), ('wildcard-directory', '.svn'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.a'), ('wildcard-filename', '.hgtags'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.wpu'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.tgz'), ('wildcard-directory', '.venv'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.lib'), ('wildcard-directory', 'CVS'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.pdb'), ('wildcard-filename', '/core'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.orig'), ('wildcard-directory', '.hgcheck'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.bak'), ('wildcard-filename', '#*#'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.pyo'), ('wildcard-directory', '.bzr'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.tar.gz'), ('wildcard-filename', '/.coverage'), ('wildcard-filename', '*.ncb')}, set())}

  • Reloading

Reload when Unchanged

Selects action to perform on files found to be externally changed but unaltered within the IDE. Use Auto Reload to automatically reload these files, Immediately Request Reload to ask via a dialog box upon detection, Request Reload on Edit to ask only if the unchanged file is edited within the IDE subsequently, or Never Reload to ignore external changes (although you will still be warned if you try to save over an externally changed file)

Internal Name: cache.unchanged-reload-policy

Data Specification: [auto-reload, request-reload, edit-reload, never-reload]

Default Value: auto-reload

Reload when Changed

Selects action to perform on files found to be externally changed and that also have been altered in the IDE. One of Immediately Request Reload to ask via a dialog box upon detection, Request Reload on Edit to ask if the file is edited further, or Never Reload to ignore external changes (although you will always be warned if you try to save over an externally changed file)

Internal Name: cache.changed-reload-policy

Data Specification: [request-reload, edit-reload, never-reload]

Default Value: request-reload

Reloading Deleted Disk Files

Specifies the behavior of reload when a file that is open in an editor disappears on disk. The default Closes Editor is recommended if using revision control. Otherwise, retaining the current editor content reduces the chances of entirely losing a file if it is accidentally deleted on disk.

Internal Name: guimgr.deleted-disk-file-policy

Data Specification: [list of: [close, blank, prompt]]

Default Value: close

External Check Freq

Time in seconds indicating the frequency with which the IDE should check the disk for files that have changed externally. Set to 0 to disable entirely.

Internal Name: cache.external-check-freq

Data Specification: <type float>, <type int>

Default Value: 5

Check Hash Before Reloading

Don't reload files if size has not changed and a hash of the contents matches the hash when it was last read. This check is skipped if file is larger than 5 MB.

Internal Name: cache.check-hash-before-reload

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

  • External Display

File Display Commands

Posix only: The commands used to display or edit local disk files selected from the Help menu or project files selected for external display. This is a map from mime type to a list of display commands; each display command is tried in order of the list until one works. The mime type "*" can be used to set a generic viewer, such as a web browser. Use %s to place the file name on the command lines. If unspecified then Wing will use the configured URL viewer in the environment (specified by BROWSER environment variable or by searching the path for common browsers). On Windows, the default viewer for the file type is used instead so this preference is ignored. On macOS, files are opened with "open" by default so this preference is rarely needed.

Internal Name: gui.file-display-cmds

Data Specification: [dict; keys: <type str>, values: [list of: <type str>]]

Default Value: {}

Url Display Commands

Posix only: The commands used to display URLs. This is a map from protocol type to a list of display commands; each display command is tried in order of the list until one works. The protocol "*" can be used to set a generic viewer, such as a multi-protocol web browser. Use %s to place the URL on the command lines. If unspecified then Wing will use the configured URL viewer in the environment (specified by BROWSER environment variable or by searching the path for common browsers). On Windows, the default web browser is used instead so this preference is ignored. On macOS, URLs are opened with "open" by default so this preference is rarely needed.

Internal Name: gui.url-display-cmds

Data Specification: [dict; keys: <type str>, values: [list of: <type str>]]

Default Value: {}


Show Line Numbers

Shows or hides line numbers on the editor.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

Show Whitespace

Set to true to show whitespace with visible characters by default

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

Space Indicator Size

Sets the size of the indicator to use for a space character when white space is being shown on the editor. This may be set to zero to show only tab characters.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <type int>

Default Value: 1

Show EOL

Set to true to show end-of-line with visible characters by default

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

Split Reuse Policy

Policy for reusing splits in editors when new files are opened: Either always open in current split, reuse already visible editor falling back on current split, reuse already visible editor falling back on adjacent split, or always open in an adjacent split. This only has an effect when more than one editor split is visible.

Internal Name: gui.split-reuse-policy

Data Specification: [current, reuse-current, reuse-adjacent, adjacent]

Default Value: current

Other Split Type

The type of split to create with commands that display in other split. The default is to split horizontally if the window width is greater than the height and to split vertically otherwise.

Internal Name: edit.other-split-type

Data Specification: [default, vertical, horizontal]

Default Value: default

Show All Files in All Splits

Whether to show all open editors in a window in every split.

Internal Name: gui.all-editors-in-all-splits

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Strip Trailing White Space

Controls whether to automatically strip trailing white space in the editor. May be enabled for any file or only files that are part of the current project.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: [tuple length 2 of: [disabled, on-save, on-save-project], <type str>]

Default Value: disabled

Block Comment Style

Style of commenting to use when commenting out blocks of code.

Internal Name: gui.block-comment-style

Data Specification: [block, block-pep8, block-indented-pep8, indented, indented-pep8]

Default Value: indented

Scroll Past End

Set this to allow scrolling the editor past the last line.

Internal Name: edit.scroll-past-end

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Ensure File Ends With EOL When Saving

Whether to add an eol at the end of the file when it is saved

Internal Name: edit.ensure-ending-eol-on-save

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

Enable Font Size Zooming

Whether to allow font size zooming in the editor, using the mouse wheel, track pad, or zoom-in and zoom-out commands.

Internal Name: edit.enable-font-zoom

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

  • Selection/Caret

Selection Color

The color used to indicate the current text selection on editable text.

Internal Name: gui.qt-text-selection-color

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

Caret Color

Selects the color to use for the editor caret.

Internal Name: edit.caret-color

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

Caret Width

Width of the blinking insertion caret on the editor, in pixels. Currently limited to a value between 1 and 3.

Internal Name: edit.caret-width

Data Specification: [from 1 to 3]

Default Value: 1

Caret Flash Rate (ms)

Sets the time in milliseconds between showing and hiding the caret when it is flashing; use 0 to disable flashing entirely

Internal Name: edit.caret-flash-rate

Data Specification: [from 0 to 2000]

Default Value: 500

Caret Line Highlight

Selects whether to highlight the line the caret is currently on. When enabled, a highlight color and alpha (to control transparency) can be set.

Internal Name: edit.caret-line-highlight

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 2 of: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]], <type int>]]

Default Value: None

Scrolling Context Lines

The number of lines of context to show above or below the caret when auto-scrolling the editor to a new position

Internal Name: edit.scroll-context-lines

Data Specification: <type int>

Default Value: 5

Display Selections Popup

When to display multiple selections popup window

Internal Name: edit.display-selection-popup

Data Specification: [always, multiple, never]

Default Value: multiple

  • Occurrences

Highlight Occurrences

Selects when to automatically highlight other occurrences of the current selection on the editor

Internal Name: edit.highlight-occurrences

Data Specification: [always, words, never]

Default Value: words

Match Case

Disable to allow occurrences highlighting also where case does not match.

Internal Name: edit.match-case-occurrences

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Occurrences Indicator Style

The style of indicator to use for highlighting other occurrences of the current selection on the editor.

Internal Name: edit.occurrence-indicator-style

Data Specification: [box, block]

Default Value: block

Occurrences Color

The color used to indicate the current text selection on editable text.

Internal Name: edit.occurrence-color

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

  • Callouts

Enable Callouts

Whether to enable display of callouts that are briefly displayed to indicate textvisited in the editor by search, goto-definition, and other navigation features.

Internal Name: edit.callout-enable

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Callout Color

The color used for callouts on the editor.

Internal Name: edit.callout-color

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

Persistence Time (ms)

The time in milliseconds that callouts persist after display on the editor.

Internal Name: .edit.callout-persistence

Data Specification: <type int>

Default Value: 500

  • Indentation

Use Indent Analysis

Select when to use indent analysis (examination of current file contents) in order to determine indentation type and size. Either always in all files, only in Python files, or never. When disabled, the Preferred Indent Style from Project Properties and Default Indent Size and Default Tab Size from preferences will be used.

Internal Name: edit.use-indent-analysis

Data Specification: [always, python-only, never]

Default Value: always

Default Tab Size

Set size of tabs, in spaces, used in new files. Note that in Python files that contain mixed space and tab indentation, tab size is always forced to 8 spaces. Use the Indentation Manager to alter indentation in existing files.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: [from 1 to 80]

Default Value: 8

Default Indent Size

Sets size of an indent, in spaces, used in new files. This is overridden in non-empty files, according to the actual contents of the file. In files with tab-only indentation, this value may be modified so it is a multiple of the configured tab size. Use the Indentation Manager to alter indentation in existing files.

Internal Name: edit.indent-size

Data Specification: [from 1 to 80]

Default Value: 4

Default Indent Style

Set the style of indentation used in new files. This is overridden in non-empty files, according to the actual contents of the file. Use the Indentation Manager to alter indentation in existing files.

Internal Name: edit.indent-style

Data Specification: [spaces-only, tabs-only, mixed]

Default Value: spaces-only

Auto Indent

Controls when Wing automatically indents when return or enter is typed.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: [1, blank-only, 0]

Default Value: 1

Show Indent Guides

Set to true to show indent guides by default

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

Indent Guide Color

Color to use for the indent guides in the editor.

Internal Name: edit.indent-guide-color

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

Show Python Indent Warning Dialog

Set to show a warning dialog when opening a Python file that contains potentially problematic indentation: Either inconsistent and possibly confusing indentation, a mix of indent styles in a single file, or mixed tab and space indentation (which is not recommended for Python).

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Show Override Warning Dialog

Show indent mismatch warning dialog when user selects an indent style that is incompatible with existing file content. This only applies to non-Python files since Wing disallows overriding the indent style in all Python files.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

  • Line Wrapping

Wrap Long Lines

Enable to wrap long source lines on the editor display.

Internal Name: edit.wrap-lines

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

Edge Markers

Control whether and how edge markers are shown in the editor.

Internal Name: edit.qt-show-edge-markers

Data Specification: [tuple length 3 of: [0, 1, 2], [from 0 to 10000], [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]]

Default Value: (0, 80, None)

Reformatting Wrap Column

Column at which text should be wrapped by commands that automatically rearrange text

Internal Name: edit.text-wrap-column

Data Specification: <type int>

Default Value: 77

  • Clipboard

On Empty Selection

Controls whether or not to copy or cut the whole current line when there is no selection on the editor.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: [disabled, copy, copy-cut]

Default Value: copy

Middle Mouse Paste

Paste text into the editor from the clipboard when the middle mouse button is pressed. Disabling this is mainly useful for wheel mice with a soft wheel that causes pasting of text before wheel scrolling starts.

Internal Name: edit.middle-mouse-paste

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Convert Indent Style On Paste

Controls whether Wing automatically converts indent style and size on text that is pasted into an editor.

Internal Name: edit.convert-indents-on-paste

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Adjust Indent After Paste

Controls whether Wing automatically adjusts indents after multi-line text is pasted. When enabled, a single undo will remove any alterations in indentation.

Internal Name: edit.adjust-indent-after-paste

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

  • Syntax Coloring

Syntax Formatting

Formatting options for syntax coloring in editors. Colors are relative to a white background and will be transformed if the background color is set to a color other than white.

Internal Name: .edit.syntax-formatting

Data Specification: [dict; keys: <type str>, values: [dict; keys: <type str>, values: [dict; keys: [fore, back, bold, italic], values: [one of: None, <type str>, <boolean: 0 or 1>]]]]

Default Value: {}

Highlight Builtins

Highlight Python builtins

Internal Name: edit.highlight-builtins

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

  • Brace Matching

Brace Highlighting

Enabled to automatically highlight the matching braces next to the cursor or as they are typed.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Brace Highlight Color

The color used to highlight matching braces.

Internal Name: edit.brace-highlight-color

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

Brace Highlight Background Color

The background color used to highlight matching braces.

Internal Name: edit.brace-highlight-backcolor

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

Brace Badlight Color

The color used to highlight bad braces.

Internal Name: edit.brace-badlight-color

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

Brace Badlight Background Color

The background color used to highlight bad braces.

Internal Name: edit.brace-badlight-backcolor

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

  • Code Warnings

Enable Code Warnings

Whether to enable the code warnings system as a whole. When this is disabled, no code warnings are displayed and external code warnings systems will not be launched even if enabled.

Internal Name: codewarnings.enable

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True


Controls whether Wing will show error and/or warning indicators on the editor as red and yellow underlines. When shown, hovering the mouse over the indicator shows the error or warning detail in a tooltip.

Internal Name: edit.error-display

Data Specification: [show-all, show-errors, show-none]

Default Value: show-all

Indicator Style

Visual display style to use for code errors and warnings shown on the editor.

Internal Name: edit.indicator-style

Data Specification: [underline, thick-underline, squiggle, plain-box, filled-box]

Default Value: squiggle

Error Color

Color to use to indicate code errors in the editor.

Internal Name: edit.code-error-color

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

Warning Color

Color to use to indicate code warnings in the editor.

Internal Name: edit.code-warning-color

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

  • Code Coverage

Set Visited Lines Background Color

Whether to highlight visited lines for code coverage using background color, in addition to the margin mark.

Internal Name: edit.coverage-visited-background

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

Visited Lines Color

Color to use to highlight lines of code that were visited during code coverage tests.

Internal Name: edit.coverage-visited-color

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

Set Missed Lines Background Color

Whether to highlight missed lines for code coverage using background color, in addition to the margin mark.

Internal Name: edit.coverage-missed-background

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

Missed Lines Color

Color to use to highlight lines of code that were missed during code coverage tests.

Internal Name: edit.coverage-missed-color

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

Show Editor Tooltips

Whether to show tool tips on the editor when code coverage annotations are present, in order to enumerate the unit tests that invoked the line of code under the mouse cursor.

Internal Name: edit.coverage-visited-tooltips

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

  • Bookmarks

Bookmark Color

Color to use on the source editor to indicate the location of user-defined bookmarks.

Internal Name: edit.qt-bookmark-color

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

Bookmark Style

Visual display style to use for bookmarks: Either an underline, a background color change, or no visible marker.

Internal Name: edit.bookmark-style

Data Specification: [None, underline, background]

Default Value: background

Confirm Deletion

Show a confirmation dialog when deleting bookmarks

Internal Name: edit.bookmark-confirm-delete

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

  • Folding

Enable Folding

Whether to enable folding source code.

Internal Name: edit.enable-folding

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Line Mode

Whether and how to show a line at a collapsed fold point. Controls the position of the line and whether it is shown for collapsed or expanded fold points.

Internal Name: edit.fold-line-mode

Data Specification: [above-expanded, below-expanded, above-collapsed, below-collapsed, none]

Default Value: below-collapsed

Indicator Style

Selects the type of indicators to draw at fold points.

Internal Name: edit.fold-indicator-style

Data Specification: [from 0 to 3]

Default Value: 1

Fold Trailing White Space

Controls whether or not trailing white space after a block of code is folded up along with the block, for a more compact folded display.

Internal Name: edit.fold-trailing-whitespace

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Foreground Color

Color to use for the foreground of the fold indicators.

Internal Name: edit.fold-mark-foreground-color

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

Background Color

Color to use for the background of the fold indicators.

Internal Name: edit.fold-mark-background-color

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

  • Auto-completion

Auto-show Completer

Controls whether or not the completer is always shown automatically during typing, never auto-shown, or shown only after a certain number of characters are in the completion fragment. When auto-show is disabled, the auto-completer can still be shown on demand with the Show Completer item in the Source menu.

Internal Name: edit.autocomplete-autoshow-option

Data Specification: [never, always]

Default Value: always

Only Show Matching Symbols

Whether to only display symbols in the autocompleter that match the currently typed fragment

Internal Name: .edit.filter-all-symbols-in-autocompleter

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

Symbol Types

Controls which types of symbols to include in the auto-completer.

Internal Name: edit.autocompleter-symbol-types

Data Specification: [tuple of: [snippet, builtin, keyword, under]]

Default Value: ['snippet', 'builtin', 'keyword', 'under']

Python Auto-imports

Whether to add auto-import items to the autocompleter for modules and packages that could be but have not yet been imported: Either always, never, once for the current completion when requested from the auto-completer, or always once requested until disabled again.

Internal Name: .edit.add-auto-imports-to-autocompleter

Data Specification: [always, never, optionally-once, optionally]

Default Value: optionally-once

Only Show Matching Auto-imports

Whether to display only auto-imports that match the currently typed fragment in the autocompleter. When this is disabled, all possible imports are included. The higher-level Show Matching Symbols preference takes precedence and overrides this preference when it is set.

Internal Name: .edit.filter-auto-imports-in-autocompleter

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Remove Auto-imports When Symbol Changed or Deleted

Whether to remove an import added by the autocompleter when the symbol that used the name imported is changed or deleted while still editing the line.

Internal Name: .edit.remove-auto-imports-when-symbol-deleted

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Python Turbo Mode

When enabled, the Python auto-completer enters the completion automatically whenever a key other than a valid symbol name key is pressed. Press a modifier key (Shift, Alt, or Ctrl) by itself to exit the completer without entering a completion. When disabled, only the configured completion keys enter the completion into the editor.

Internal Name: edit.autocomplete-turbo-mode

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

Completion Keys

Controls which keys will enter selected completion value into the editor.

Internal Name: edit.autocomplete-keys

Data Specification: [list of: [tab, return, space, f1, f3, f10, f12, period, parenleft, bracketleft, colon]]

Default Value: ['tab']

Auto-completer Height

The maximum number of lines to show in the auto-completer at once.

Internal Name: edit.autocompleter-height

Data Specification: <type int>

Default Value: 10

Auto-complete Delay (sec)

Delay in seconds from last key press to wait before the auto-completer is shown. If 0.0, the auto-completer is shown immediately.

Internal Name: edit.autocomplete-delay

Data Specification: <type int>, <type float>

Default Value: 0.0

Auto-complete Timeout

Timeout in seconds from last key press after which the auto-completer is automatically hidden. If 0.0, the auto-completer does not time out.

Internal Name: edit.autocomplete-timeout

Data Specification: <type int>, <type float>

Default Value: 0

Completion Mode

Selects how completion is done in the editor: Either insert the completion at the cursor, replace any symbols that heuristically match the selected completion (and insert in other cases), or replace any existing symbol with the new symbol.

Internal Name: edit.autocomplete-mode

Data Specification: [insert, replace-matching, replace]

Default Value: insert

Case Insensitive Matching

Controls whether matching in the completer is case sensitive or not. The correct case is always used when a completion is chosen.

Internal Name: edit.autocomplete-case-insensitive

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Non-Python Completion

Controls whether or not use the completer in non-Python files, where it uses a simple word list generated from the existing contents of the file. If enabled, the number of characters required before the completer is shown may be specified here.This value overrides any character threshold set above.

Internal Name: edit.autocomplete-non-python-option

Data Specification: [never, always]

Default Value: 3

Non-Python Word Size

Sets the minimum size of words to add to the completion list for non-Python files. This affects only words found in the file, and not words included because they are keywords for that file type.

Internal Name: edit.autocomplete-non-python-word-size

Data Specification: <type int>

Default Value: 4

Non-Latin Script Display

Whether to display autocompleter for non-latin scripts

Internal Name: .edit.display-autocompleter-for-non-latin-scripts

Data Specification: [auto, yes, no]

Default Value: auto

  • Auto-editing

Auto-Editing Enabled

Enable or disable Wing's auto-editing capability. When enabled, a default set of individual auto-editing operations (such as auto-closing quotes and parenthesis and auto-entering invocation arguments) will be activated. The individual operations can then be enabled or disabled independently in preferences.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Auto-Close Characters

Enable to auto-close quotes, parenthesis, braces, comments, and so forth.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Auto-Enter Invocation Args

Enable auto-entry of invocation arguments for a function or method call.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

** Auto-wrap Arguments**

Enable auto-wrapping of arguments during auto-invocation.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

** Invoke After Completion**

Enable auto-invocation to occur automatically after a callable symbol is entered by the auto-completer.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

Apply Quotes to Selection

Enable placing quotes around a non-empty selection.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Mutate Adjacent Quotes

Enable changing quote style by pressing a quote key while the caret is next to an existing quote character.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Apply Comment Key to Selection

Enable commenting out a non-empty selection when a comment character is pressed.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Apply (), [], and {} to Selection

Enable surrounding non-empty selection when a parenthesis is pressed.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Apply Colon to Selection

Enable creating a new block with a selected range of lines when colon is pressed.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Auto-Enter Spaces

Enable auto-entering spaces around operators and punctuation.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

** Auto-Space After Keywords**

Enable auto-entering spaces after keywords.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

** Enforce PEP 8 Style Spacing**

When auto-entering spaces is enabled, enforce PEP 8 style spacing by preventing redundant spaces.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

** Spaces Around = in Argument Lists**

Add spaces around = in argument lists.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

** Spaces Elsewhere in Argument Lists**

Add spaces around characters other than = in argument lists.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

** Spaces After : in Type Annotations**

When auto-entering spaces is enabled, also auto-enter spaces after ":" in type annotations.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Manage Blocks on Repeated Colon Key Presses

Auto-enter newline and auto-indent after typing a colon that starts a new Python block and indent following line or block of lines when colon is pressed repeatedly. This also starts a new Python block using a selected range of lines as the body, if colon is pressed on a non-empty selection.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

** Prefer Block Management Over := and Type Hints**

Prioritize block management with : over the possibility of entering a var:type variable type annotation (Python 3.6+) or := (Python 3.8+). When this is disabled, typing : a second time will proceed with block the current editing context.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

Continue Comment or String on New Line

Automatically continue comments or strings in the form ("") or () after a newline is typed within the comment or string text

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Correct Out-of-Order Typing

Automatically correct code when typing keys out of order. This handles cases such as x(.) -> x(). and x(:) -> x(): as well as auto-inserting . when missing

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

  • Auto-formatting


Controls when Wing automatically reformats code as you edit it. May be disabled, limited to only edited lines after the caret leaves that line, or performed on whole files when they are saved to disk.

Internal Name: edit.pep8-autoformat

Data Specification: [disabled, lines, files]

Default Value: disabled


Selects the reformatter to use when reformatting code automatically.

Internal Name: edit.pep8-reformatter

Data Specification: [pep8, black, ruff, yapf]

Default Value: pep8

Reformat Timeout

Number of seconds to wait for auto-formatting to complete before aborting the reformatting process.

Internal Name: edit.pep8-timeout

Data Specification: <type float>, <type int>

Default Value: 5

Enforce Line Length

Whether to enforce line length during auto-formatting. The length is specified with the Editor > Line Wrapping > Reformatting Wrap Column preference.

Internal Name: edit.pep8-enforce-line-length

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

PEP 8: Reindent All Lines in Files

Whether to reindent all lines during PEP 8 reformatting. This affects only reformatting of whole files. Lines in a selection are never reindented during reformatting.

Internal Name: edit.pep8-reindent-all-lines

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

PEP 8: Spaces Around = in Argument Lists

Override PEP 8 by adding spaces around = in argument lists.

Internal Name: edit.pep8-spaces-args

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

PEP 8: Spaces After #

When applying PEP 8 rules, follow PEP 8 by enforcing the addition of spaces after # comment start. This option will lose indents in any commented out code.

Internal Name: edit.pep8-spaces-comment

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

PEP 8: Move Imports to Top

When applying PEP 8 rules, follow PEP 8 by moving all imports to the top of the file.

Internal Name: edit.pep8-move-indents-to-top

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

Black: Skip String Normalization

Whether or not to prevent Black from normalizing string quotes during auto-formatting.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Reformatter Run Directory

Selects the current directory to use when running code reformatters, either the reformatted file's directory, the project's directory (or Project Home Directory if set), the user account's home directory, or a selected directory. The run directory may affect which configuration file is used by the reformatter.

Internal Name: edit.reformat-run-dir

Data Specification: [file, project, home, custom]

Default Value: ('file', '/home/sdeibel/')

  • Snippets

Include Default Snippets

Whether to include the default snippets set in the Snippets tool. These are found in the User Settings directory (USER_SETTINGS_DIR)

Internal Name: edit.snippets-include-defaults

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Snippets Path

Path to search for code snippets. Later directories on the path override earlier directories for a particular snippet name. Partial paths are interpreted relative to the current user's home directory (/home/sdeibel/). new snippets will be created in the last directory on the path.

Internal Name: edit.snippets-path

Data Specification: [tuple of: <type str>]

Default Value: ()

  • Diff/Merge


Orientation of difference/merge views: Side-by-side or top/bottom

Internal Name: diff.orientation

Data Specification: [horizontal, vertical]

Default Value: horizontal

Lock Scrolling

Controls whether scrolling of the diff/merge editors is locked to synchronize the editor scroll positions.

Internal Name: diff.scroll-lock

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Ignore White Space

Controls whether differences will ignore changes that alter white space only.

Internal Name: diff.ignore-whitespace

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

Empty Session Warning

Controls whether to warn when changing white space filtering causes sessions to become empty of changes.

Internal Name: diff.empty-session-warning

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Diff Color

Color to use on the source editor for differences during a diff/merge session. The current mark is drawn in a lighter version of the same color. The within-difference change indicators are drawn transparently with the color set in the Text Selection Color preference.

Internal Name: edit.qt-diff-color

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

Merged Diff Color

Color to use on the source editor for already merged differences during a diff/merge session. The current mark is drawn in a lighter version of the same color. The within-difference change indicators are drawn transparently with the color set in the Text Selection Color preference.

Internal Name: edit.qt-merged-diff-color

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

  • Printing

Document Font

Font to use when printing.

Internal Name: edit.print-font

Data Specification: [None or <type str>]

Default Value: None

Use Default Foreground Colors

Use default foreground colors for all text when printing. This is necessary when using a dark background in the GUI and printing on white paper.

Internal Name: edit.use-default-foreground-when-printing

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

Print Header Format

Set the header format to use for printing. This can be any text with any of the following special fields mixed in: %basename% - base file name; %prepend-fullpath% - full path file name; %prepend-relative% - relative path with from project file; %append-relative% - file name with relative path appended; %append-fullpath% - file name with full path appended; %file-time% - file modification time; %file-date% - file modification date; %current-time% - current time; %current-date% - current date; %page% - current page being printed

Internal Name: edit.print-header-format

Data Specification: <type str>

Default Value: %prepend-fullpath%

Print Header Font

Font to use in print header.

Internal Name: edit.print-header-font

Data Specification: [None or <type str>]

Default Value: None

Print Footer Format

Set the footer format to use for printing. The values allowed are the same as those for print-header-format.

Internal Name: edit.print-footer-format

Data Specification: <type str>

Default Value: Page %page%, last modified %file-date% %file-time%

Print Footer Font

Font to use in print footer.

Internal Name: edit.print-header-font

Data Specification: [None or <type str>]

Default Value: None

  • Context Menu

Groups Shown

Controls which groups of menu items will be shown in the editor's context menu.

Internal Name: edit.context-menu-groups

Data Specification: [list of: [clip, nav, debug, comment, indent, vcs, script]]

Default Value: ['clip', 'nav', 'debug', 'comment', 'indent', 'vcs', 'script']

Custom Items

Extra menu items to add to the editor context menu.

Internal Name: edit.context-menu-custom-items

Data Specification: [tuple of: [tuple length 2 of: <type str>, <type str>]]

Default Value: ()

  • Advanced

Maximum Non-Sticky Editors

Maximum number of non-sticky (auto-closing) editors to keep open at one time, in addition to any that are visible on screen

Internal Name: gui.max-non-sticky-editors

Data Specification: <type int>

Default Value: 5

Use Custom Mouse Cursor

When to use a custom mouse cursor. The color of the cursor will be the color of the caret.

Internal Name: edit.use-custom-mouse-cursor

Data Specification: [on-dark-backgrounds, never, always]

Default Value: on-dark-backgrounds

Mini-search Case Sensitivity

Whether or not mini-search is case sensitive. May match the current keyboard personality's default, use case sensitive search only if an upper case character is typed, always search case sensitive, or always search case insensitively.

Internal Name: edit.minisearch-case-sensitive

Data Specification: [match-mode, if-upper, always, never]

Default Value: match-mode

Symbol Menu Max Length

The maximum number of names allowed on a single symbol menu

Internal Name: .edit.max-symbol-menu-name-count

Data Specification: <type int>

Default Value: 200

Selection Policy

This controls whether to retain selection in the editor after certain operations. The editor may always select the text that was operated on, only retain existing selections, or never select after the operation completes.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: [dict; keys: [('Indent Region', 'indent-region'), ('Outdent Region', 'outdent-region'), ('Indent To Match', 'indent-to-match'), ('Comment out Region', 'comment-out-region'), ('Uncomment out Region', 'uncomment-out-region')], values: [('Always Select', 'always-select'), ('Retain Select', 'retain-select'), ('Never Select', 'never-select')]]

Default Value: {'indent-region': 'retain-select', 'outdent-region': 'retain-select', 'indent-to-match': 'retain-select', 'comment-out-region': 'retain-select', 'uncomment-out-region': 'retain-select'}


Integer Display Mode

Select the display style for integer values.

Internal Name: debug.default-integer-mode

Data Specification: [dec, hex, oct]

Default Value: dec

Hover Over Symbols

Enable to display debug data values for any symbol on the editor when the mouse cursor hovers over it.

Internal Name: debug.hover-over-symbols

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Hover Over Selection

Controls whether debug values are shown when the mouse hovers over a selection in the editor. This may be disabled, enabled for symbols (like x.y.z) only, or enabled for all selections including function or methods calls. WARNING: Enabling evaluation of any selection may result in function or method calls that have side effects such as altering the program state or even making unintended database or disk accesses!

Internal Name: debug.hover-over-selections

Data Specification: [0, 1, all]

Default Value: 1

Run Marker Color

The color of the text highlight used for the run position during debugging

Internal Name: debug.debug-marker-color

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

Run Marker Alpha

Select transparency (0-160) of the text highlight used for the run position during debugging

Internal Name:

Data Specification: [None or <type int>]

Default Value: None

Active Range Color

The color of the active range of code used for quick evaluation in the Python Shell or Debug Console.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 3 of: [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255], [from 0 to 255]]]

Default Value: None

Line Threshold

Defines the character length threshold under which a value will always be shown on a single line, even if the value is a complex type like a list or dict.

Internal Name: debug.line-threshold

Data Specification: <type int>

Default Value: 95

Show Debug Environment Dialog

Controls whether the Debug Environment dialog is shown before each debug run: Either never show the dialog or show it only if 'Show this dialog before each run' is checked in the launch file's or named entry point's properties.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: [never, per-file]

Default Value: per-file

Indicate Project Files in Stack

Enable to indicate projects files in the the debug stack, in the stack selector, Stack Data, and Exception tools.

Internal Name: debug.indicate-project-files

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

  • Processes

Enable Multi-Process Debugging

Enable multi-process debugging. When disabled, Wing will only accept one debug connection at a time.

Internal Name: debug.multi-process-debug

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Switch to Stopped Processes

When to automatically switch the currently active debug process to a process that reaches a breakpoint or exception. The default Switch to Most Recently Launched Process Group switches only if there is no other debug process active or if the process belongs to the most recently debug session started from the IDE (this does not include processes that attach using wingdbstub).

Internal Name: debug.multi-process-switch

Data Specification: [none, launched, always]

Default Value: launched

Debug Child Processes

Enable debugging sub-processes. When disabled, Wing will only debug the initially launched parent process.

Internal Name: debug.multi-process-debug-sub-processes

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

Replace sys.executable

Enable replacement of sys.executable so that processes launched using that value will be debugged. This must be enabled on Windows in order to debug child processes created with the multiprocessing module.

Internal Name: debug.multi-process-replace-sys-executable

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Maximum Process Count

Maximum number of debug processes that can connect to Wing at once. After the limit is reached, Wing accepts no additional connections until some processes detach or exit.

Internal Name: debug.multi-process-maximum

Data Specification: <type int>

Default Value: 50

Debug Multiple Tests at Once

Enable debugging more than one unit test at once. When enabled, the Debug/Abort button in the Testing tool alters according to which test is selected.

Internal Name: debug.multi-process-multiple-tests

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

Debug Multiple Instances of a Named Entry Point

Enable debugging more than one instance of a named entry point. When disabled, any existing debug process for a named entry point will be terminated when it is debugged.

Internal Name: debug.multi-process-multiple-entry-points

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

  • Exceptions

Report Exceptions

Controls how Wing reports exceptions that are raised by your debug process. By default, Wing shows exceptions at the time that the exception traceback would normally be printed. Alternatively, Wing can try to predict which exceptions are unhandled, and stop immediately when unhandled exceptions are raised so that any finally clauses can be stepped through in the debugger. Wing can also stop on all exceptions (even if handled) immediately when they are raised, or it can wait to report fatal exceptions as the debug process terminates. In the latter case Wing makes a best effort to stop before the debug process exits or at least to report the exception post-mortem, but one or both may fail if working with externally launched debug processes. In that case, we recommend using When Printed exception reporting mode.

Internal Name: debug.exception-mode

Data Specification: [unhandled, never, always, printed]

Default Value: printed

Report Logged Exceptions In When Printed Mode

Controls whether to stop on exceptions logged with logging.exception if the exception mode is set to 'When Printed'

Internal Name: debug.stop-on-logged-exception

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Never Report

Names of builtin exceptions to never report, even if the exception is not handled. This list takes precedence over the Always Report preference and the Report Exceptions preference when it is set to a value other than Always Immediately.

Internal Name: debug.never-stop-exceptions

Data Specification: [tuple of: <type str>]

Default Value: ['SystemExit', 'GeneratorExit']

Always Report

Names of builtin exceptions to (nearly) always report. These exceptions are not reported only if they are explicitly caught by the specific subclass in the same frame in which they are raised.

Internal Name: debug.always-stop-exceptions

Data Specification: [tuple of: <type str>]

Default Value: ['AssertionError']

  • I/O

Debug I/O Encoding

Encoding of input/output in the Debug I/O panel

Internal Name: debug.debug-io-encoding

Data Specification: [None or [Console default (UTF-8), None, English ascii, Unicode (UTF-16) utf-16, Unicode (UTF-16, big endian) utf-16-be, Unicode (UTF-16, little endian) utf-16-le, Unicode (UTF-7) utf-7, Unicode (UTF-8) utf-8, Western European iso8859-15, Western European latin-1, Arabic iso8859-6, Baltic Languages iso8859-13, Baltic Languages iso8859-4, Celtic Languages iso8859-14, Central and Eastern European iso8859-2, Cyrillic Languages iso8859-5, Esperanto and Maltese iso8859-3, Greek iso8859-7, Hebrew iso8859-8, Nordic Languages iso8859-10, Turkish iso8859-9, US, Canada, and Others cp037, Western European cp1140, Western European cp1252, Western European cp850, Western European mac-roman, Arabic cp1256, Arabic cp864, Baltic Languages cp1257, Baltic Languages cp775, Canadian English/French cp863, Central and Eastern European cp1250, Central and Eastern European cp852, Central and Eastern European mac-latin2, Chinese (PRC) big5hkscs, Chinese (PRC) gb18030, Chinese (PRC) gb2312, Chinese (PRC) gbk, Chinese (PRC) hz, Chinese (ROC) big5, Chinese (ROC) cp950, Cyrillic Languages cp1251, Cyrillic Languages cp855, Cyrillic Languages mac-cyrillic, Danish, Norwegian cp865, Greek cp1253, Greek cp737, Greek cp869, Greek cp875, Greek mac-greek, Hebrew cp1255, Hebrew cp424, Hebrew cp856, Hebrew cp862, Icelandic cp861, Icelandic mac-iceland, Japanese cp932, Japanese euc-jis-2004, Japanese euc-jisx0213, Japanese euc-jp, Japanese iso-2022-jp, Japanese iso-2022-jp-1, Japanese iso-2022-jp-2, Japanese iso-2022-jp-2004, Japanese iso-2022-jp-3, Japanese iso-2022-jp-ext, Japanese shift-jis, Japanese shift-jis-2004, Japanese shift-jisx0213, Korean cp949, Korean iso-2022-kr, Korean johab, Portuguese cp860, Russian koi8-r, Thai cp874, Turkish cp1026, Turkish cp1254, Turkish cp857, Turkish mac-turkish, US, Australia, New Zealand, S. Africa cp437, Ukrainian koi8-u, Urdu cp1006, Vietnamese cp1258, Western European cp500]]

Default Value: utf_8

Flush I/O Periodically

Controls when the debugger periodically flushes I/O sent to sys.stdout and sys.stderr. Doing so may deadlock in some code. Not doing so may not display text that has been output without newline.

Internal Name: debug.flush-io

Data Specification: [Always, Only if Single-Threaded, Never]

Default Value: single-thread

Shell Encoding

Encoding of input/output in the integrated Python Shell and Debug Console

Internal Name: debug.debug-probe-encoding

Data Specification: [None or [Use default stdin / stdout encoding, None, English ascii, Unicode (UTF-16) utf-16, Unicode (UTF-16, big endian) utf-16-be, Unicode (UTF-16, little endian) utf-16-le, Unicode (UTF-7) utf-7, Unicode (UTF-8) utf-8, Western European iso8859-15, Western European latin-1, Arabic iso8859-6, Baltic Languages iso8859-13, Baltic Languages iso8859-4, Celtic Languages iso8859-14, Central and Eastern European iso8859-2, Cyrillic Languages iso8859-5, Esperanto and Maltese iso8859-3, Greek iso8859-7, Hebrew iso8859-8, Nordic Languages iso8859-10, Turkish iso8859-9, US, Canada, and Others cp037, Western European cp1140, Western European cp1252, Western European cp850, Western European mac-roman, Arabic cp1256, Arabic cp864, Baltic Languages cp1257, Baltic Languages cp775, Canadian English/French cp863, Central and Eastern European cp1250, Central and Eastern European cp852, Central and Eastern European mac-latin2, Chinese (PRC) big5hkscs, Chinese (PRC) gb18030, Chinese (PRC) gb2312, Chinese (PRC) gbk, Chinese (PRC) hz, Chinese (ROC) big5, Chinese (ROC) cp950, Cyrillic Languages cp1251, Cyrillic Languages cp855, Cyrillic Languages mac-cyrillic, Danish, Norwegian cp865, Greek cp1253, Greek cp737, Greek cp869, Greek cp875, Greek mac-greek, Hebrew cp1255, Hebrew cp424, Hebrew cp856, Hebrew cp862, Icelandic cp861, Icelandic mac-iceland, Japanese cp932, Japanese euc-jis-2004, Japanese euc-jisx0213, Japanese euc-jp, Japanese iso-2022-jp, Japanese iso-2022-jp-1, Japanese iso-2022-jp-2, Japanese iso-2022-jp-2004, Japanese iso-2022-jp-3, Japanese iso-2022-jp-ext, Japanese shift-jis, Japanese shift-jis-2004, Japanese shift-jisx0213, Korean cp949, Korean iso-2022-kr, Korean johab, Portuguese cp860, Russian koi8-r, Thai cp874, Turkish cp1026, Turkish cp1254, Turkish cp857, Turkish mac-turkish, US, Australia, New Zealand, S. Africa cp437, Ukrainian koi8-u, Urdu cp1006, Vietnamese cp1258, Western European cp500]]

Default Value: utf_8

Pretty Print in Shells

Enable to use pprint.pprint to display values in the Python Shell and Debug Console.

Internal Name: debug.pretty-print-in-shells

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

OS Commands Encoding

Default encoding of sub-process input/output when run in the OS Commands panel. This can be overridden on a per-command basis, in each command's properties.

Internal Name: consoles.encoding

Data Specification: [None or [Console default (UTF-8), None, English ascii, Unicode (UTF-16) utf-16, Unicode (UTF-16, big endian) utf-16-be, Unicode (UTF-16, little endian) utf-16-le, Unicode (UTF-7) utf-7, Unicode (UTF-8) utf-8, Western European iso8859-15, Western European latin-1, Arabic iso8859-6, Baltic Languages iso8859-13, Baltic Languages iso8859-4, Celtic Languages iso8859-14, Central and Eastern European iso8859-2, Cyrillic Languages iso8859-5, Esperanto and Maltese iso8859-3, Greek iso8859-7, Hebrew iso8859-8, Nordic Languages iso8859-10, Turkish iso8859-9, US, Canada, and Others cp037, Western European cp1140, Western European cp1252, Western European cp850, Western European mac-roman, Arabic cp1256, Arabic cp864, Baltic Languages cp1257, Baltic Languages cp775, Canadian English/French cp863, Central and Eastern European cp1250, Central and Eastern European cp852, Central and Eastern European mac-latin2, Chinese (PRC) big5hkscs, Chinese (PRC) gb18030, Chinese (PRC) gb2312, Chinese (PRC) gbk, Chinese (PRC) hz, Chinese (ROC) big5, Chinese (ROC) cp950, Cyrillic Languages cp1251, Cyrillic Languages cp855, Cyrillic Languages mac-cyrillic, Danish, Norwegian cp865, Greek cp1253, Greek cp737, Greek cp869, Greek cp875, Greek mac-greek, Hebrew cp1255, Hebrew cp424, Hebrew cp856, Hebrew cp862, Icelandic cp861, Icelandic mac-iceland, Japanese cp932, Japanese euc-jis-2004, Japanese euc-jisx0213, Japanese euc-jp, Japanese iso-2022-jp, Japanese iso-2022-jp-1, Japanese iso-2022-jp-2, Japanese iso-2022-jp-2004, Japanese iso-2022-jp-3, Japanese iso-2022-jp-ext, Japanese shift-jis, Japanese shift-jis-2004, Japanese shift-jisx0213, Korean cp949, Korean iso-2022-kr, Korean johab, Portuguese cp860, Russian koi8-r, Thai cp874, Turkish cp1026, Turkish cp1254, Turkish cp857, Turkish mac-turkish, US, Australia, New Zealand, S. Africa cp437, Ukrainian koi8-u, Urdu cp1006, Vietnamese cp1258, Western European cp500]]

Default Value: None

Use External Console

Selects whether to use the integrated Debug I/O tool for debug process input/output or an external terminal window. Use an external window if your debug process depends on details of the command prompt environment for cursor movement, color text, etc. External consoles only work for locally run code. Remote debugging always uses the Debug I/O tool. To debug code running remotely in an external console, use wingdbstub to initiate debug.

Internal Name: debug.external-console

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

External Console Waits on Exit

Determines whether to leave up the console after normal program exit, or to close the console right away in all cases. This is only relevant when running with an external native console instead of using the integrated Debug I/O tool.

Internal Name: debug.persist-console

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

External Consoles

A list of the terminal programs that are used with debug processes when running with an external console. Each is tried in turn until one is found to exist. If just the name is given, Wing will look for each first on the PATH and then in likely places. Specify the full path (starting with "/") to use a specific executable. If program arguments are specified, they must end with the argument that indicates that the rest of arguments are the program to run in the terminal. If the program name starts with ${WINGHOME} , ${WINGHOME} is replaced by the Wing install directory. On macOS if the program name ends is .applescript, the environment is loaded from a file before starting the debugger.

Internal Name: debug.x-terminal

Data Specification: [tuple of: <type str>]

Default Value: ['gnome-terminal "--title=Wing Debug Process" -x', 'xterm -T "Wing Debug Process" -e', 'konsole -T "Wing Debug Process" -e', 'rxvt -T "Wing Debug Process" -e']

  • Data Display

Show __name Protected Variables

Controls whether the debugger shows protected variables (with one leadingunderscore) in the Stack Data view.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Show ____name Private Variables

Controls whether the debugger shows private variables (with two leadingunderscores) in the Stack Data view.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Show ____name____ Special Variables

Controls whether the debugger shows special variables (with two leadingand two trailing underscores) in the Stack Data view.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Show Memory Addresses

Controls whether the debugger shows memory addresses as part of the display of object instances.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Huge List Threshold

Defines the length threshold over which a list, dict, or other complex type will be considered too large to show in the debugger. If this is set too large, the debugger will time out (see the Network Timeout preference)

Internal Name: debug.huge-list-threshold

Data Specification: <type int>

Default Value: 2000

Huge String Threshold

Defines the length over which a string is considered too large to fetch for display in the debugger. If this is set too large, the debugger will time out (see the Network Timeout preference).

Internal Name: debug.huge-string-threshold

Data Specification: <type int>

Default Value: 64000

Show Data Warnings

Controls whether or not time out, huge value, and error handling value errors are displayed by the debugger the first time they are encountered in each run of Wing.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

  • Data Filters

Omit Types

Lists types for which values are never shown by the debugger. The strings here are compared with type(value).__name__ and the value is omitted if a match is found.

Internal Name: debug.omit-types

Data Specification: [tuple of: <type str>]

Default Value: ('function', 'builtin_function_or_method', 'class', 'classobj', 'instance method', 'type', 'module', 'ufunc', 'cython_function_or_method', 'wrapper_descriptor', 'method_descriptor', 'methoddescriptor', 'member_descriptor', 'classmethod', 'staticmethod')

Omit Names

Defines variable/key names for which values are never shown by the debugger.

Internal Name: debug.omit-names

Data Specification: [tuple of: <type str>]

Default Value: ()

Do Not Expand

Lists types for which values should never be probed for contents. These are types that are known to crash when the debugger probes them because they contain buggy data value extraction code. These values are instead shown as an opaque value with hex object instance id and are never accessed for runtime introspection. The strings here are compared with type(value).__name__ and a value is not probed if a match is found.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: [tuple of: <type str>]

Default Value: ('GdkColormap', 'IOBTree', 'JPackage', 'cython_function_or_method')

  • Introspection

Resolve Properties

Set to show property values in the debug data views. This should be used with caution. It enables invocation of the fget() method on the property, which in some code bases can execute unwanted code, make unexpected changes to runtime state, hang on lengthy computations, trigger thread deadlocks, or crash on buggy user code while debug data is being displayed in the IDE.

Internal Name: debug.resolve-properties

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

Allow Calls in Data Inspection

Enable to allow Python code and other dynamic calls to be invoked while inspecting data in the debugger, for display in any part of the IDE's user interface. This should be used with caution because it can cause the debug process to execute unwanted code, make unexpected changes to runtime state, hang on lengthy computations, deadlock threads, or crash in buggy code.

Internal Name: debug.allow-dynamic-introspection

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

Call Python ____repr____ Methods

Allow __repr__ methods implemented in Python to be invoked. Disable this if the __repr__ methods take too long to complete or fail due to other bugs.

Internal Name: debug.allow-bytecode-repr

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Inspect Base Classes

Whether to inspect base classes for class attributes. Disable this to work around crashing in packages such as openerp and odoo.

Internal Name: debug.max-base-classes

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

  • Listening

Accept Debug Connections

Controls whether or not the debugger listens for connections from an externally launched program. This should be enabled when the debug program is not launched by the IDE.

Internal Name: debug.passive-listen

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

Kill Externally Launched Processes

Enable or disable terminating debug processes that were launched from outside of the IDE. When disabled, Wing just detaches from the process, leaving it running.

Internal Name: debug.enable-kill-external

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

Server Host

Determines the network interface on which the debugger listens for connections. This can be a symbolic name, an IP address, or left unspecified to indicate that the debugger should listen on all valid network interfaces on the machine. Note that when a debug session is launched from within the IDE (with the Run button), it always connects from the loopback interface (

Internal Name:

Data Specification: [None or <type str>]

Default Value: None

Server Port

Determines the TCP/IP port on which the IDE will listen for the connection from the debug process. This needs to be unique for each developer working on a given host. The debug process, if launched from outside of the IDE, needs to be told the value specified here using kWingHostPort inside or by WINGDB_HOSTPORT environment variable before importing wingdbstub in the debug process.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: [from 0 to 65535]

Default Value: 50005

  • Network

Use Digests to Identify Files

Controls whether to build an inferred location map from file digest matches that are found locally when debugging files on a remote host. This allows the debugger to find files that are not in the project and were not found to be imported by static analysis, or that are still waiting to be scanned.

Internal Name: debug.use-digests-to-identify-files

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Warn About Ambigious Digest Matches

Controls whether to show a dialog when the debugger detects a remote file that matches more than one local file.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Location Map

Defines a mapping between the remote and local locations of files for host-to-host debugging. This is used only for manual remote debug configuration and is ignored when debug is controlled by a remote host configuration. For each specific IP address or IP address with wildcards (e.g. 10.1.1.*), a remote and local prefix is given. This should be used when full paths of files on the remote host do not match those for the same files on the local host. Wing assumes an external file server or synchronization protocol is in use and does not itself transfer the files.

Internal Name: debug.location-map

Data Specification: [dict; keys: <ip4 address #.#.#.#>, values: [None or [list of: [tuple length 2 of: <type str>, <type str>]]]]

Default Value: {'': None}

Connection Keep Alive

Number of seconds between keep-alive messages sent to the debug process so that the connection doesn't close due to inactivity. Use a value <= 0 to disable the sending of keep-alive messages

Internal Name: debug.send-keep-alive-seconds

Data Specification: <type int>

Default Value: 60

Network Timeout

Controls the amount of time that the IDE will wait for the debug process to respond before it gives up. This protects the IDE from freezing up if your program running within the debug process crashes or becomes unavailable. It must also be taken into account when network connections are slow or if sending large data values (see the Huge List Threshold and Hug String Threshold preferences).

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <type float>, <type int>

Default Value: 20

Close Connection on Timeout

Controls whether the debugger will close the connection after any data handling timeout. This reduces the potential for hanging on data handling issues, but increases the chances the debug connection will be unnecessarily closed if any inspection of data takes more than the configured timeout to complete.

Internal Name: debug.close-on-timeout

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

Allowed Hosts

Sets which hosts are allowed to connect to the debugger when it is listening for externally launched programs. Host names, specific IP numbers, or IP number dotted quad masks with * to match anything (e.g. 10.1.1.*) may be used. This is used only for manual remote debug configuration and is ignored when debug is controlled by a remote host configuration.

Internal Name: debug.passive-hosts

Data Specification: [tuple of: <type str>]

Default Value: ('*.*.*.*',)

Common Attach Hosts

List of host/port combinations that should be included by default in the attach request list shown with Attach to Process in the Debug menu, in addition to those that are registered at runtime. These are used primarily with manual remote debug configuration, and are not necessary when debug is controlled by a remote host configuration. This value corresponds with kAttachPort configured in or by WINGDB_ATTACHPORT environment variable before importing wingdbstub in the debug process.

Internal Name: debug.attach-defaults

Data Specification: [tuple of: [tuple length 2 of: <type str>, [from 0 to 65535]]]

Default Value: (('', 50015),)

  • Shells

Enable Debugging

Enables debugging code executed in the Python Shell or Debug Console.

Internal Name: debug.debug-shells

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

Enable Recursive Prompt

Enables recursive debugging in the Python Shell and Debug Console.

Internal Name: debug.recursive

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

Pretty Print

Enable to use pprint.pprint to display values in the Python Shell and Debug Console.

Internal Name: debug.pretty-print-in-shells

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

Auto-Restart when Switch Projects

Auto-restart the Python Shell when changing projects. When this is disabled, the Python Shell will continue to use environment from the previously opened project.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Auto-Restart when Evaluate File

Auto-restart the Python Shell before a file is evaluated within it. When this is disabled, be aware that previously defined symbols will linger in the Python Shell environment.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Prompt to Confirm Restart

Whether to prompt when restarting the Python Shell as a result of restarting debugging.

Internal Name: debug.prompt-to-restart-python-shell-debug

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Filter History by Entered Prefix

Enable to filter shell history traversal when something is entered prior to starting traversal. When enabled, Wing will only show history items starting with the text between the start of the current item and the caret.

Internal Name: debug.filter-shell-history

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

Evaluate Only Whole Lines

Evaluate whole lines from editor rather than the exact selection, when a selection from the editor is sent to the Python Shell tool.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

Execute Pasted Lines in Shells Immediately

Whether to always execute immediately after text is pasted into a shell. Note that if the number of lines exceed the pasted line threshold, the lines are immediately executed.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

Show Editor on Exceptions in Shells

Controls whether the debugger raises source files to indicate exception locations encountered when working in the Debug Console, and other debugger tools.

Internal Name: debug.raise-from-tools

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Shells Ignore Editor Modes

Set to False so that shells will act modal in the same way as editors when working with a modal key bindings such as that for VI. When True, the shells always act as if in Insert mode.

Internal Name: debug.shells-ignore-editor-modes

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

  • Advanced

Termination Model

How to terminate debug when a parent process or child process is terminated. A process group includes any all parent and child processes, up to the initially launched process, including also grand-children and any other descendent process.

Internal Name: debug.multi-process-kill-model

Data Specification: [leave-running, auto-kill-group, prompt]

Default Value: auto-kill-group

Ignore Unsynchronized Files

Controls whether or not Wing ignores files that were not saved before starting debug or that have changed since they were loaded by the debug process. Wing normally will warn of unsynchronized files since breakpoints may not be reached and stepping through the files may not work properly if lines have moved. Checking this option turns off these warnings.

Internal Name: gui.ignore-unsaved-before-action

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

Step Past importlib Frames

Controls where Wing ignores code inside of Python's importlib machinery when stepping through code. When enabled, Step Into on an import statement continues until it reaches the top level of the module being imported (or results in ImportError or moves past the import if the module was already imported), and Step Out will skip over frames in importlib.

Internal Name: debug.ignore-import-lib

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Use sys.stdin Wrapper

Whether sys.stdin should be set a wrapper object for user input in the program being debugged. The wrapper allows debug commands, such as pause, to be executed while the program is waiting for user input. The wrapper may cause problems with multi-threaded programs that use C stdio functions to read directly from stdin and will be slower than the normal file object.However, turning this preference off means that your debug process will not pause or accept breakpoint changes while waiting for keyboard input, and any keyboard input that occurs as a side effect of commands typed in the Debug Console will happen in unmodified stdin instead (even though output will still appear in the Debug Console as always).

Internal Name: debug.use-stdin-wrapper

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

When Build Fails

Controls whether to start debugging if the defined build process fails

Internal Name: debug.debug-if-build-fails

Data Specification: [None, 0, 1]

Default Value: None

Default Watch Style

Sets the tracking style used when a value is double clicked in order to watch it. Values may be tracked by symbolic name, by object reference and attribute by name, and by direct object reference.

Internal Name: debug.default-watch-style

Data Specification: [symbolic, parent-ref, ref]

Default Value: symbolic

Move Breakpoints to Valid Lines

Whether to automatically move breakpoints to a valid position when they are placed on a line that will not be reached by the Python interpreter, such as within certain types of multi-line expressions.

Internal Name: debug.move-breakpoints

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Show Breaks Moved Dialog

Whether to show a dialog when a breakpoint is set on a different line than the selected on.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Use Idle Thread

Controls whether to use a thread in the debugger for idle processing.

Internal Name: debug.use-idle-thread

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Launch debugger for unsupported Python versions

Controls whether unsupported Python versions can be launched.

Internal Name: debug.launch-unsupported-python-versions

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

Use Legacy Tracer Core With Python 3.12+

Controls whether to use the legacy debugger tracer core with Python 3.12+. The legacy tracer core is needed to debug Django templates.

Internal Name: debug.use-legacy-tracer-core

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

  • Diagnostics

Debug Internals Log File

This is used to obtain verbose information about debugger internals in cases where you are having problems getting debugging working. The resulting log file can be emailed to along with your bug report for interpretation. Logging can be disabled, or sent to stderr, stdout, or a file. When enabled, the debugger will run more slowly.

Internal Name: debug.logfile

Data Specification: [one of: None, [<stderr>, <stdout>], <type str>]

Default Value: None

Extremely Verbose Internal Log

This is used to turn on very verbose and detailed logging from the debugger. This should only be enabled at the request of Wingware Technical Support and will drastically slow down the debugger.

Internal Name: debug.very-verbose-log

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

Python Shell Debug Log

This is used to obtain verbose information about the Python Shell internals in cases where you are having problems getting it working. The resulting log file can be emailed to along with your bug report for interpretation. Logging can be disabled, or sent to stderr, stdout, or a file. When enabled, the Python Shell will run more slowly.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: [one of: None, [<stderr>, <stdout>], <type str>]

Default Value: None

Extremely Verbose Python Shell Debug Log

This is used to turn on very verbose and detailed logging from the Python Shell internals. This should only be enabled at the request of Wingware Technical Support and will drastically slow down the Python Shell.

Internal Name: debug.very-verbose-shell-log

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

Source Analysis

Introspect Live Runtime

Set to introspect live Python runtimes for information displayed in autocompletion, the Source Assistant, and debug data value tooltips. Runtimes introspected include the Python Shell and live debug processes stopped at an exception or breakpoint.

Internal Name: debug.introspect-in-shells

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Typing Suspend Timeout

Number of seconds between last key press and when analysis is re-enabled if analysis is to be suspended while typing occurs. If <= 0, analysis is not suspended.

Internal Name: edit.suspend-analysis-timeout

Data Specification: <type float>, <type int>

Default Value: 1

Max Cache Size (MB)

The maximum size of the disk cache in megabytes

Internal Name: pysource.max-disk-cache-size

Data Specification: [from 100 to 100000]

Default Value: 2000

Max Memory Buffers

The maximum # of analysis info buffers that can be in-memory at once for files that are not open.

Internal Name: pysource.max-background-buffers

Data Specification: [from 50 to 300]

Default Value: 80

Analyze Function and Method Calls

Whether to analyze function calls and record the types of values passed as arguments to functions. The disk cache should be cleared after this value is changed.

Internal Name: pysource.analyze-function-calls

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

  • Advanced

Interface File Path

Path to search for interface files for extension modules. If directory name is relative, it will be interpreted as relative to the user settings directory (USER_SETTINGS_DIR)

Internal Name: pysource.interfaces-path

Data Specification: [tuple of: <type str>]

Default Value: ('pi-files',)

Scrape Extension Modules

Enable to automatically load and introspect extension modules and other modules that cannot be statically analysed. These modules are loaded in another process space and 'scraped' to obtain at least some analysis of the module's contents.

Internal Name: pysource.scrape-modules

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Scraping Helper Snippets

This is a dictionary from module name to Python code that should be executed before attempting to load extension modules for scraping. This is needed in cases where the extension modules are designed to be loaded only after some configuration magic is performed. For most extension modules, no extra configuration should be needed.

Internal Name: pysource.scrape-config

Data Specification: [dict; keys: <type str>, values: <type str>]

Default Value: {'gtk': 'import pygtk\nvers = pygtk._get_available_versions().keys()\nvers.sort()\nvers.reverse()\nfor v in vers:\n  try:\n    pygtk.require(v)\n    break\n  except:\n    pass\n', 'gdk': 'import pygtk\nvers = pygtk._get_available_versions().keys()\nvers.sort()\nvers.reverse()\nfor v in vers:\n  try:\n    pygtk.require(v)\n    break\n  except:\n    pass\n', 'pango': 'import pygtk\nvers = pygtk._get_available_versions().keys()\nvers.sort()\nvers.reverse()\nfor v in vers:\n  try:\n    pygtk.require(v)\n    break\n  except:\n    pass\n', 'atk': 'import pygtk\nvers = pygtk._get_available_versions().keys()\nvers.sort()\nvers.reverse()\nfor v in vers:\n  try:\n    pygtk.require(v)\n    break\n  except:\n    pass\n', 'gobject': 'import pygtk\nvers = pygtk._get_available_versions().keys()\nvers.sort()\nvers.reverse()\nfor v in vers:\n  try:\n    pygtk.require(v)\n    break\n  except:\n    pass\n', 'wxpython': 'pass', 'Qt': 'try:\n  from PyQt4 import Qt\nexcept:\n  try:\n    from PyQt5 import Qt\n  except:\n    from PySide import Qt\n', 'QSci': 'try:\n  from PyQt4 import QSci\nexcept:\n  try:\n    from PyQt5 import QSci\n  except:\n    from PySide import QSci\n', 'QtAssistant': 'try:\n  from PyQt4 import QtAssistant\nexcept:\n  try:\n    from PyQt5 import QtAssistant\n  except:\n    from PySide import QtAssistant\n', 'QtCore': 'try:\n  from PyQt4 import QtCore\nexcept:\n  try:\n    from PyQt5 import QtCore\n  except:\n    from PySide import QtCore\n', 'QtDesigner': 'try:\n  from PyQt4 import QtDesigner\nexcept:\n  try:\n    from PyQt5 import QtDesigner\n  except:\n    from PySide import QtDesigner\n', 'QtGui': 'try:\n  from PyQt4 import QtGui\nexcept:\n  try:\n    from PyQt5 import QtGui\n  except:\n    from PySide import QtGui\n', 'QtHelp': 'try:\n  from PyQt4 import QtHelp\nexcept:\n  try:\n    from PyQt5 import QtHelp\n  except:\n    from PySide import QtHelp\n', 'QtNetwork': 'try:\n  from PyQt4 import QtNetwork\nexcept:\n  try:\n    from PyQt5 import QtNetwork\n  except:\n    from PySide import QtNetwork\n', 'QtOpenGL': 'try:\n  from PyQt4 import QtOpenGL\nexcept:\n  try:\n    from PyQt5 import QtOpenGL\n  except:\n    from PySide import QtOpenGL\n', 'QtScript': 'try:\n  from PyQt4 import QtScript\nexcept:\n  try:\n    from PyQt5 import QtScript\n  except:\n    from PySide import QtScript\n', 'QtScriptTools': 'try:\n  from PyQt4 import QtScriptTools\nexcept:\n  try:\n    from PyQt5 import QtScriptTools\n  except:\n    from PySide import QtScriptTools\n', 'QtSql': 'try:\n  from PyQt4 import QtSql\nexcept:\n  try:\n    from PyQt5 import QtSql\n  except:\n    from PySide import QtSql\n', 'QtSvg': 'try:\n  from PyQt4 import QtSvg\nexcept:\n  try:\n    from PyQt5 import QtSvg\n  except:\n    from PySide import QtSvg\n', 'QtTest': 'try:\n  from PyQt4 import QtTest\nexcept:\n  try:\n    from PyQt5 import QtTest\n  except:\n    from PySide import QtTest\n', 'QtWebKit': 'try:\n  from PyQt4 import QtWebKit\nexcept:\n  try:\n    from PyQt5 import QtWebKit\n  except:\n    from PySide import QtWebKit\n', 'QtXml': 'try:\n  from PyQt4 import QtXml\nexcept:\n  try:\n    from PyQt5 import QtXml\n  except:\n    from PySide import QtXml\n', 'QtXmlPatterns': 'try:\n  from PyQt4 import QtXmlPatterns\nexcept:\n  try:\n    from PyQt5 import QtXmlPatterns\n  except:\n    from PySide import QtXmlPatterns\n', 'QtUiTools': 'try:\n  from PyQt4 import QtUiTools\nexcept:\n  try:\n    from PyQt5 import QtUiTools\n  except:\n    from PySide import QtUiTools\n', 'QtDeclarative': 'try:\n  from PyQt4 import QtDeclarative\nexcept:\n  try:\n    from PyQt5 import QtDeclarative\n  except:\n    from PySide import QtDeclarative\n', 'QtWidgets': 'try:\n  from PyQt4 import QtWidgets\nexcept:\n  try:\n    from PyQt5 import QtWidgets\n  except:\n    from PySide import QtWidgets\n', '_gst': 'from gst import _gst', 'h5py': 'import h5py'}

Python Docs URL Prefix

Prefix for Python Standard Library Documentation. This should be in the form and Wing will append module and symbol specific to the given URL. To use locally stored documentation, you must run a local web server since # bookmarks do not work in file: URLs.

Internal Name: pysource.python-doc-url-prefix

Data Specification: [None or <type int>]

Default Value: None

Version Control

Enable built-in version control

Enable the integrated version control system.

Internal Name: versioncontrol.enable-non-script

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Save files without prompting

Save without prompting before running version control commands.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Track changes made in project tool

Track file add, remove, and rename operations made with Wing's Project view into the version control repository.

Internal Name: versioncontrol.track-disk-operations

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Automatically refresh status

Watch disk for version control changes and refresh the Project view and Project Status accordingly.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Enable diagnostic logging

Log all commands to ide.log in the user settings directory.

Internal Name: versioncontrol.log-all-commands

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

  • SVN


When Subversion version control support is active

Internal Name:

Data Specification: [always-active, active-if-project-dir, not-active]

Default Value: active-if-project-dir

SVN Executable

Executable command to run Subversion

Internal Name: .versioncontrol.svn.executable

Data Specification: <type str>

Default Value: svn

SVN Admin Executable

Executable command to run svn

Internal Name: versioncontrol.svn.svnadmin-executable

Data Specification: <type str>

Default Value: svnadmin

Extra Global Arguments

Extra arguments to pass to every command.

Internal Name: versioncontrol.svn.extra-global-args

Data Specification: <type str>

Default Value: ""

  • Git


When Git version control support is active

Internal Name:

Data Specification: [always-active, active-if-project-dir, not-active]

Default Value: active-if-project-dir

Git Executable

Executable command to run Git

Internal Name: .versioncontrol.git.executable

Data Specification: <type str>

Default Value: git

Use --porcelain

Use --porcelain output for git status

Internal Name: versioncontrol.git.use-porcelain

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

  • Mercurial


When Mercurial version control support is active

Internal Name:

Data Specification: [always-active, active-if-project-dir, not-active]

Default Value: active-if-project-dir

Mercurial Executable

Executable command to run Mercurial

Internal Name: .versioncontrol.hg.executable

Data Specification: <type str>

Default Value: hg

Extra Global Arguments

Extra arguments to pass to every command.

Internal Name: versioncontrol.hg.extra-global-args

Data Specification: <type str>

Default Value: --encoding=utf8

Don't Find Unregistered Files

Don't find unregistered files when scanning for file status. This can substantially reduce the time to scan large repositories.

Internal Name: versioncontrol.hg.dont-find-unregistered

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

  • CVS


When CVS version control support is active

Internal Name:

Data Specification: [always-active, active-if-project-dir, not-active]

Default Value: active-if-project-dir

CVS Executable

Executable command to run CVS

Internal Name: .versioncontrol.cvs.executable

Data Specification: <type str>

Default Value: cvs

Extra Global Arguments

Extra arguments to pass to every command.

Internal Name: versioncontrol.cvs.extra-global-args

Data Specification: <type str>

Default Value: -z3

  • Perforce


When Perforce version control support is active

Internal Name:

Data Specification: [always-active, active-if-project-dir, not-active]

Default Value: not-active

Perforce Executable

Executable command to run Perforce

Internal Name: .versioncontrol.perforce.executable

Data Specification: <type str>

Default Value: p4

Extra Global Arguments

Extra arguments to pass to every command.

Internal Name: versioncontrol.perforce.extra-global-args

Data Specification: <type str>

Default Value: ""

Don't Find Unregistered Files

Don't find unregistered files when scanning for file status. This can substantially reduce the time to scan large repositories.

Internal Name: versioncontrol.perforce.dont-find-unregistered

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Remote Development

SSH Implementation

The SSH implementation to use for remote development. This is used to launch Wing's remote agent and to establish secure SSH tunnels for debugging on remote systems. When searching on the PATH, Wing will look for OpenSSH's ssh. If it cannot be found, the built-in SSH implementation is used instead.

Internal Name: main.ssh-executable

Data Specification: [None or <type str>]

Default Value: None

Allow Access to SSH User Agent

Controls whether to allow access to an SSH user agent like OpenSSH's ssh-agent or PuTTY's pageant.

Internal Name: main.use-ssh-agent

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

SSH Timeout

The maximum time in seconds to wait for SSH connections to be established.

Internal Name: main.ssh-timeout

Data Specification: <type int>

Default Value: 20

Hung Connection Timeout

The maximum time in seconds to wait if a connection to a remote host is not responding. Afterwards the connection is closed and retried.

Internal Name: main.hung-connection-threshold

Data Specification: <type int>

Default Value: 30

Warn when Edit Active Remote Configuration

Controls whether to show a warning before editing a remote host configuration that is currently in use.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Write Remote Diagnostics to IDE Log

Controls whether remote agent activity is directed into the IDE log instead of being written on the remote host. This will slow down the remote agent and should only be enabled at the requestof Wingware Technical Support.

Internal Name: main.write-remote-log-to-ide-log

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

IDE Extension Scripting

Auto-Reload Scripts on Save

When enabled, Wing will automatically reload scripts that extend the IDE when they are edited and saved from the IDE. This makes developing extension scripts for the IDE very fast, and should work in most cases. Disable this when working on extension scripts that do not reload properly, such as those that reach through the scripting API extensively.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Search Path

Specifies the directories in which Wing will look for user-defined scripts that extend the functionality of the IDE itself. The directory names may contain environment variables in the $(envname) form. Use $(WING:PROJECT_DIR) for the project directory.For each directory, Wing will load all found Python modules and packages, treating any function whose name starts with a letter (not _ or __) as a script-provided command. Extension scripts found in files within directories later in the list will override scripts of the same name found earlier, except that scripts can never override commands that are defined internally in Wing itself (these are documented in the Command Reference in the users manual). See the Scripting and Extending chapter of the manual for more information on writing and using extension scripts.

Internal Name: main.script-path

Data Specification: [list of: <type str>]

Default Value: ['USER_SETTINGS_DIR/scripts']


Use HTTPS to

Whether to use secure https (port 443) when accessing for license activation, update checks, and submitting feedback or bug reports. When disabled, http (port 80) is used instead.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

HTTP Proxy Server

Allows manual configuration of an http proxy to be used for feedback, bug reports, and license activation, all of which result in Wing connecting to via http. Leave user name and password blank if not required.

Internal Name: main.http-proxy

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 4 of: <type str>, <type int>, <type str>, <type str>]]

Default Value: None

Internal Preferences

Core Preferences


When enabled, Wing will show a dialog offerring to update any remote agent that does not match Wing's version.

Internal Name: main.autocheck-remote-agent-version

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True


If True and a gtk, gdk, or glib critical message is logged, Wing tries to start a C debugger and break at the current execution point

Internal Name: main.debug-break-on-critical

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False


This is a map from mime type to tuple of start/end comment characters for each mime type. One entry should be added for each new mime type added with the main.extra-mime-types preference.

Internal Name: main.extra-mime-type-comments

Data Specification: [dict; keys: <type str>, values: [tuple length 2 of: <type str>, <type str>]]

Default Value: {}


This is a map from mime type to displayable name for that mime type; one entry should be added for each new mime type added with the main.extra-mime-types preference.

Internal Name: main.extra-mime-type-names

Data Specification: [dict; keys: <type str>, values: <type str>]

Default Value: {}

The amount by which to zoom font sizes in or out in the documentation viewer.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <type float>

Default Value: 1.0


Used internally to keep track of latest version the user is not interested in

Internal Name: main.ignored-update

Data Specification: [tuple of: <type int>]

Default Value: (0, 0, 0, 0)


Used internally to select the most recently used prefs page.

Internal Name: main.last-prefs-page

Data Specification: [tuple length 2 of: <type int>, <type int>]

Default Value: (-1, -1)


Used internally to select the most recently used properties dialog pages.

Internal Name: main.last-properties-pages

Data Specification: [dict; keys: <type str>, values: <type int>]

Default Value: {}


Defines which plugins are enabled or disabled.

Internal Name: main.plugin-overrides

Data Specification: [dict; keys: <type str>, values: <boolean: 0 or 1>]

Default Value: {}


Used internally to identify prefs file version

Internal Name: main.prefs-version

Data Specification: [None or <type int>]

Default Value: None


Whether to render docstrings even if they contain parse errors at or above the threshold set by Source Assistant PEP 287 Error Threshold. When disabled, failing docstrings are shown as plain text instead. When enabled, a best effort is made to display the formatted docstring while suppressing errors.

Internal Name: main.sassist-allow-pep287-errors

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False


Whether to always show docstrings in the Source Assistant. When disabled, only the docstring for the last displayed symbol is shown.

Internal Name: main.sassist-always-show-docstrings

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False


The error level at or above which the source assistant will display parse errors in PEP287 docstrings (if showing PEP287 errors) or will fall back to showing plain text (if not showing PEP287 errors). For errors below this threshold, a best attempt is made to achieve a reasonable rendering.

Internal Name: main.sassist-pep287-error-level

Data Specification: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

Default Value: 2


Whether to rewrap plain text docstrings for display in the Source Assistant. This may destroy formatting of some docstrings.

Internal Name: main.sassist-tries-rewrap

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True


Whether show docstring type and validity in the Source Assistant.

Internal Name: main.sassist-show-validity

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True


Whether to try parsing docstrings as ReST format for display in the Source Assistant. This may destroy formatting of some docstrings.

Internal Name: main.sassist-tries-pep287

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True


History of updates used diagnostically

Internal Name: main.update-history

Data Specification: <type list>

Default Value: []

User Interface Preferences


Whether to keep tabs in alphabetical order.

Internal Name: gui.alphabetize-tabs

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True


Use key bindings from macOS keymap for keys not defined in currently selected keymap

Internal Name: guimgr.fallback-to-macos-keymap

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Email address to use by default in the Feedback and Bug Report dialogs

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <type str>

Default Value: ""


Used internally to avoid showing the feedback dialog on exit over and over again.

Internal Name: gui.last-feedback-shown

Data Specification: <type float>

Default Value: 0.0


Internal preference used to remember the last size of the Wing Tips window

Internal Name: guimgr.last-wingtips-size

Data Specification: [any value]

Default Value: (500, 450)


Controls whether "Search in Files" dialog has an extra row of visible options as buttons.

Internal Name: gui.more-controls-for-search-in-files

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

Whether to add new tabs on the left side instead on the right.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False


Control preferred order in source index displays such as the editor browse menus. Either sort in the order found in the file or alphabetical order.

Internal Name: gui.prefered-symbol-order

Data Specification: [file-order, alpha-order]

Default Value: alpha-order


Selects the key to use as the Alt- modifier in key bindings. Note that the Option key is also used to enter characters, such as ® on US keyboards or ] on German keyboards. When the Option key is used for the Alt key, Alt-key bindings take precedence and thus may block entering of characters with the Option key. If both functions are needed, use the left Option key for the Alt-key and enter characters with the right Option key. If the Command keys are used for the Alt key, any Alt-key bindings will override Command-key bindings for the same key.

Internal Name: gui.qt-osx-key-for-alt

Data Specification: [both-option-keys, left-option-key, command-keys, none]

Default Value: left-option-key


Quit application when last document window closes

Internal Name: guimgr.quit-on-last-window-close-osx

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False


Used internally to remember which unexpected exceptions have already been reported so we only show error reporting dialog once for each.

Internal Name: gui.reported-exceptions

Data Specification: [dict; keys: <type str>, values: [dict; keys: <type str>, values: <boolean: 0 or 1>]]

Default Value: {}


Controls whether or not to set the foreground lock timeout on Windows, where normally Wing will be unable to bring source windows to front whenever the debug process has windows in the foreground. When this preference is true, the system-wide value that prevents background applications from raising windows is cleared whenever Wing is running. This means that other apps will also be able to raise windows without these restrictions while Wing is running. Set the preference to false to avoid this, but be prepared for windows to fail to raise in some instances. Note: If Wing is terminated abnormally or from the task manager, the changed value will persist until the user logs out.

Internal Name: gui.set-win32-foreground-lock-timeout

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Whether the error bug reporting dialog (also available from the Help menu) is shown automatically when an unexpected exception is encountered inside Wing.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

Whether feedback dialog is shown to user on quit.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1


Controls whether or not the Wing Tips tool is shown automatically at startup of the IDE.

Internal Name: gui.startup-show-wingtips

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Rectangle to use for the IDE work area on screen. All windows open within this area. Format is (x, y, width, height), or use None for full screen.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: [None or [tuple length 4 of: <type int>, <type int>, <type int>, <type int>]]

Default Value: None

Editor Preferences

Automatically clear the OS Commands consoles each time the command is re-executed

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False


Whether or not to include code snippets in the auto-completer.

Internal Name: edit.snippets-in-autocompleter

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True


Selects the mime types for which folding should be allowed when folding in general is enabled.

Internal Name: edit.fold-mime-types

Data Specification: [list of: <type str>]

Default Value: ['text/x-python', 'text/x-python-interface', 'text/x-c-source', 'text/x-cpp-source', 'text/x-java-source', 'text/x-javascript', 'text/html', 'text/x-mako', 'text/x-django', 'text/xml', 'text/x-zope-pt', 'text/x-eiffel', 'text/x-lisp', 'text/x-ruby', 'text/x-cython', 'text/x-yaml', 'application/json']


Wrap long output lines in OS Commands tool to fit within available display area.

Internal Name: consoles.wrap-long-lines

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False


Drop into Python shell after executing any Python file in the OS Commands tool

Internal Name: consoles.python-prompt-after-execution

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False


Bookmark categories that are shared with all projects.

Internal Name: edit.shared-bookmark-categories

Data Specification: [dict; keys: <type str>, values: <type str>]

Default Value: {}

Whether to show the import may be used dialog when attempting to remove an import that is used in the code. When the dialog is not shown, a message is shown in the status area instead.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True


The amount by which to zoom font sizes in or out in the Source Assistant.

Internal Name: edit.sassist-font-zoom

Data Specification: <type float>

Default Value: 1.0


Controls whether to sort Find Symbol dialog alphabetically or in natural file order

Internal Name: edit.symbol-find-alpha-sort

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True


Controls whether to include argument specs in the searchable text used in the Find Symbol dialog

Internal Name: edit.symbol-find-include-args

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

Diff/Merge Preferences

Controls whether to show added and deleted files when comparing two directories.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True

Controls whether to show unchanged files when comparing two directories.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False

Project Manager Preferences


Controls whether or not the IDE will follow the current editor by expanding the project tree to show the file open in the editor.

Internal Name: proj.follow-editor

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0


Controls whether or not the IDE will follow the current project manager selection by opening the corresponding source file in a non-sticky (auto-closing) editor. In either case, the project manager will always open a file in sticky mode when an item is double clicked or the Goto Source context menu item is used.

Internal Name: proj.follow-selection

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0


Used internally to store the last successfully used Anaconda installationfor New Project.

Internal Name: proj.last-anaconda

Data Specification: <type str>

Default Value: ""


Used internally to store the last used new project directory type.

Internal Name: proj.last-new-project-dir-type

Data Specification: <type str>

Default Value: existing


Used internally to store the last used new project environment type.

Internal Name: proj.last-new-project-env-type

Data Specification: <type str>

Default Value: existing


Used internally to store the last used new project Python type.

Internal Name: proj.last-new-project-python-type

Data Specification: <type str>

Default Value: existing


Used internally to store the last used new project type.

Internal Name: proj.last-new-project-type

Data Specification: <type str>

Default Value: generic

Match fragments to full path of the file name, rather than just the file name. Full path matching still occurs when the path separation character is included in the search pattern.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Whether to automatically correct Python Executable in Project Properties when it does not match the virtualenv created by Poetry or pipenv.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

Debugger Preferences


Whether to animate debug data tips shown when Shift-Space is pressed.

Internal Name: debug.animate-data-tips

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

Enable to automatically clear the Debug I/O tool each time a new debug session is started

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1

Controls whether and when to automatically show the Debug I/O tool when it receives output.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: [False, first, True]

Default Value: first


Controls whether searching in the debug array view searchs all columns or just the visible columns

Internal Name: debug.array-search-all-columns

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False


Selects whether search in the array view is case sensitive

Internal Name: debug.array-search-case

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False


Selects the type of search to perform in the array view of debug data: text, wildcard, or regex

Internal Name: debug.array-search-type

Data Specification: [text, wildcard, regex]

Default Value: text


Controls whether the debugger shows value details in data views verticallyor horizontally.

Internal Name: debug.debug-data-vertical

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1


Enable to raise the Debug I/O tool and place focus into the I/O buffer whenever the debug process is waiting for keyboard input.

Internal Name: debug.debug-io-focus-for-input

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False


Enable to maintain a history of Debug I/O, up to the number configured in the Files > Max Recent Items preference.

Internal Name: debug.debug-io-history

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False


Enable to include child processes in the process selector popup.

Internal Name: debug.debug-io-history

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: True


Sets the default Python Executable to use for debugging and source code analysis. This can be overridden on a project by project basis in Project Properties.

Internal Name: debug.default-python-exec

Data Specification: [None or <type str>]

Default Value: None


Selects the file to use for storing and retrieving shared launch configurations. By default the file 'launch' in the user settings directory is used.

Internal Name: main.launch-shared-file

Data Specification: [one of: <type NoneType>, <type str>]

Default Value: None

The number of lines after which the Python Shell will just print a summary rather than the actual lines of code pasted, dragged, or other transferred to the shell.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <type int>

Default Value: 30

Controls whether the debugger shows value details in data views.

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <type float>

Default Value: 0.0

Used internally to show information about exception handling to new users. Once turned off, it is never turned on again

Internal Name:

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1


Number of seconds to wait before the debugger will stop in its own code after a pause request is received and no other Python code is reached.

Internal Name: debug.stop-timeout

Data Specification: <type int>, <type float>

Default Value: 3.0


Set this to true to have the debug server use the __members__ attribute to try to interpret otherwise opaque data values. This is a preference because some extension modules contain bugs that result in crashing if this attribute is accessed. Note that __members__ has been deprecated since Python version 2.2.

Internal Name: debug.use-members-attrib

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1


Enable to display a dialog when the Python Shell state no longer matches the configured Python Executable and/or Python Path.

Internal Name: debug.warn-stale-shell

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0


Enables line wrapping in the integrated Debug I/O tool.

Internal Name: debug.wrap-debug-io

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0


Enables line wrapping in the Debug Console.

Internal Name: debug.wrap-debug-probe

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0


Enables line wrapping in the Python Shell.

Internal Name: debug.wrap-python-shell

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 0

Source Analysis Preferences


Whether Wing should try to analyze python source in the background.

Internal Name: pysource.analyze-in-background

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: 1


Whether to use a helper process to analyze disk files. (Currently experimental)

Internal Name: pysource.use-helper-process

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False


Use slower, dotfile locking for sqllite databases to work around buggy remote file servers. Only needed if the user cache directory is on a remote file system or can be accessed via a remote file system. It is recommended that the user cache directory be on the local file system for performance reasons.

Internal Name: pysource.use-sqllite-dotfile-locking

Data Specification: <boolean: 0 or 1>

Default Value: False