Display Style and Colors
UI Color Configuration
The colors used for the user interface are selected with the User Interface > Display Mode, User Interface > Light Theme and User Interface > Dark Theme preferences. The default on Windows and macOS is to match the native look for the OS as much as possible. On Windows, this is always a light theme. On macOS, Wing tracks the OS's light or dark display setting as it changes. On Linux, Wing cannot match the OS display style and instead uses a dark display theme by default.
Editor Color Configuration
By default, the editor matches the display theme described above. This can be changed with the User Interface > Light Editor and User Interface > Dark Editor preferences, by selecting Use Selected and choosing one of the available light or dark themes. This affects editor background color and the color of markers on text such as the selection, debug run marker, caret line highlight, bookmarks, diff/merge annotations, and other configurable colors. Themes also define 20 additional colors that appear in the preferences menus that are used for selecting colors.
Most of the defaults set by the theme preference can be overridden on a value-by-value basis in preferences. For example, the Editor > Selection/Caret > Selection Color preference is used to change the text selection color to a value other than the one specified in the selected theme. Each such preference allows selection of a color from the current theme, or an arbitrary color from a color chooser dialog.
In Wing Pro and Wing Personal, the colors used for syntax highlighting code in the editor can be configured separately, as described in Custom Syntax Coloring.
Adding a Custom Theme
Additional themes can be defined and stored in the palettes sub-directory of the Settings Directory. This directory must be created if it does not already exist. Example themes are included in your Wing installation in resources/palettes. After adding a theme in this way, Wing must be restarted to make it available for use. After that, it will appear in the theme selectors on the first preferences page.