Top-level Commands

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Application Control Commands

These are the high level application control commands.

abandon-changes (confirm=True)

Abandon any changes in the current document and reload it from disk. Prompts for user to confirm the operation unless either there are no local changes being abandoned or confirm is set to False.

about-application ()

Show the application-wide about box

apply-update ()

Apply a manually downloaded update

begin-visited-document-cycle (move_back=True, back_key=None, forward_key=None)

Start moving between documents in the order they were visited. Starts modal key interaction that ends when a key other than tab is seen or ctrl is released. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Shift-Shift-Tab invokes begin-visited-document-cycle(move_back=False); Brief: Ctrl-Shift-Shift-Tab invokes begin-visited-document-cycle(move_back=False); Eclipse: Ctrl-Shift-Shift-Tab invokes begin-visited-document-cycle(move_back=False); Emacs: Ctrl-Shift-Shift-Tab invokes begin-visited-document-cycle(move_back=False); macOS: Ctrl-Shift-Tab invokes begin-visited-document-cycle(move_back=False); MATLAB: Ctrl-Shift-Shift-Tab invokes begin-visited-document-cycle(move_back=False); VI/VIM: Ctrl-Shift-Shift-Tab invokes begin-visited-document-cycle(move_back=False); Visual Studio: Ctrl-Shift-Shift-Tab invokes begin-visited-document-cycle(move_back=False); XCode: Ctrl-Shift-Tab invokes begin-visited-document-cycle(move_back=False)

bookmarks-category-menu-items ()

Returns list of menu items for selecting bookmark category

bookmarks-menu-items (names_only=False)

Returns list of menu items for selecting among defined bookmarks

check-for-updates ()

Check for updates to Wing and offer to install any that are available

close (ignore_changes=False, close_window=True, can_quit=False)

Close active document. Abandon any changes when ignore_changes is True. Close empty windows when close_window is true and quit if all document windows closed when can_quit is true. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-W; Brief: Ctrl-F4; Eclipse: Ctrl-W; Emacs: Ctrl-F4; macOS: Command-Shift-W; MATLAB: Ctrl-W; VI/VIM: Ctrl-W q invokes close(close_window=1); Visual Studio: Ctrl-W; XCode: Command-Shift-W

close-all (omit_current=False, ignore_changes=False, close_window=False, include_help=True, omit_modified=False)

Close all documents in the current window, or in all windows if in one-window-per-editor windowing policy. Leave currently visible documents (or active window in one-window-per-editor-mode) if omit_current is True. Abandons changes rather than saving them when ignore_changes is True. Close empty window and quit if all document windows closed when close_window is True. Also closes documentation views, unless include_help is set to False. Key Bindings: Eclipse: Ctrl-Shift-W

close-others ()

Close all but the currently displayed or selected file(s)

close-window ()

Close the current window and all documents and panels in it Key Bindings: Wing: Alt-F4; Brief: Alt-F4; Eclipse: Alt-F4; Emacs: Ctrl-X 5 0; macOS: Option-F4; MATLAB: Alt-F4; VI/VIM: Alt-F4; Visual Studio: Alt-F4; XCode: Option-F4

command-by-name (command_name)

Execute given command by name, collecting any args as needed Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-F12; Brief: F10; Eclipse: Ctrl-F12; Emacs: Esc X; macOS: Ctrl-F12; MATLAB: Ctrl-F12; VI/VIM: Ctrl-F12; Visual Studio: Ctrl-/; XCode: Ctrl-F12

copy-import-name-to-clipboard (loc=None)

Copy the import name of a file to the clipboard. The loc may either be a location, filename, url, or None. The current file is used if loc is None

copy-tutorial ()

Prompt user and copy the tutorial directory from the Wing installation to the directory selected by the user

edit-bookmark-categories ()

Edit the defined bookmark categories

edit-preferences-file ()

Edit the preferences as a text file

enter-license ()

Enter a new license code, replacing any existing license activation

execute-file (loc=None)

Execute the file at the given location or use the active view if loc is None. Key Bindings: Eclipse: Ctrl-U

execute-os-command (title, show=True)

Execute one of the stored commands in the OS Commands tool, selecting it by its title

execute-os-command-by-id (id, raise_panel=True)

Execute one of the stored commands in the OS Commands tool, selecting it by its internal ID

execute-process (cmd_line)

Execute the given command line in the OS Commands tool using default run directory and environment as defined in project properties, or the values set in an existing command with the same command line in the OS Commands tool. Key Bindings: Emacs: Alt-!

export-bookmark-categories (filename)

Export all bookmark categories

fileset-load (name)

Load the given named file set

fileset-manage ()

Display the file set manager dialog

fileset-new-with-open-files (file_set_name)

Create a new named file set with the currently open files

fileset-new-with-selected-files (file_set_name)

Create a new named file set with the currently selected files

goto-bookmark (mark)

Goto named bookmark Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Alt-G; Eclipse: Ctrl-Alt-G; Emacs: Ctrl-X R B; macOS: Command-Ctrl-B; MATLAB: Ctrl-Alt-G; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Alt-G; XCode: Command-Ctrl-B

goto-definition (symbol=None, context='selection,path', other_split=None)

Go to the definition of the given symbol, working from the given scope. If symbol is not given then the currently selected symbol is used.

The context can contain one or more of the following in a comma-separated list. They are used in order given and processing stops when a valid definition if found:

  • 'selection' to resolve the symbol in the scope of the current editor selection
  • 'def' to resolve it in the scope of the point of definition of the current editor selection.
  • 'path' to resolve by treating the leading portion as a module Name on the Python Path

If other_split is true, the definition will be displayed if a split other than the current split; if other_split is false, it will be displayed in the current editor; if other_split is not specified or None, the split to be used is determined by the Split Reuse Policy preference value..

goto-next-bookmark (current_file_only=False, category=None)

Go to the next bookmark, or the first one if no bookmark is selected. Stays within the file in the current editor when current_file_only is True. Only bookmarks in the current bookmark category are visited unless a category is passed. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Alt-Down invokes goto-next-bookmark(current_file_only=True); Brief: Ctrl-Alt-Down invokes goto-next-bookmark(current_file_only=True); Eclipse: Ctrl-Alt-Down invokes goto-next-bookmark(current_file_only=True); Emacs: Ctrl-Alt-Down invokes goto-next-bookmark(current_file_only=True); MATLAB: F2; VI/VIM: Ctrl-Alt-Down invokes goto-next-bookmark(current_file_only=True); Visual Studio: Ctrl-K Ctrl-N

goto-previous-bookmark (current_file_only=False, category=None)

Go to the previous bookmark in the bookmark list, or the last one if no bookmark is selected. Stays within the file in the current editor when current_file_only is True. Only bookmarks in the current bookmark category are visited unless a category is passed. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Alt-Up invokes goto-previous-bookmark(current_file_only=True); Brief: Ctrl-Alt-Up invokes goto-previous-bookmark(current_file_only=True); Eclipse: Ctrl-Alt-Up invokes goto-previous-bookmark(current_file_only=True); Emacs: Ctrl-Alt-Up invokes goto-previous-bookmark(current_file_only=True); MATLAB: Shift-F2; VI/VIM: Ctrl-Alt-Up invokes goto-previous-bookmark(current_file_only=True); Visual Studio: Ctrl-K Ctrl-P

hide-line-numbers ()

Hide line numbers in editors

import-bookmark-categories (filename)

Import bookmark categories

initiate-numeric-modifier (digit)

VI style repeat/numeric modifier for following command Key Bindings: VI/VIM: 9 invokes initiate-numeric-modifier(digit=9)

initiate-repeat ()

Enter a sequence of digits indicating number of times to repeat the subsequent command or keystroke. Key Bindings: Emacs: Ctrl-U

initiate-repeat-0 ()

Enter a sequence of digits indicating number of times to repeat the subsequent command or keystroke. Key Bindings: Emacs: Alt-0

initiate-repeat-1 ()

Enter a sequence of digits indicating number of times to repeat the subsequent command or keystroke. Key Bindings: Emacs: Alt-1

initiate-repeat-2 ()

Enter a sequence of digits indicating number of times to repeat the subsequent command or keystroke. Key Bindings: Emacs: Alt-2

initiate-repeat-3 ()

Enter a sequence of digits indicating number of times to repeat the subsequent command or keystroke. Key Bindings: Emacs: Alt-3

initiate-repeat-4 ()

Enter a sequence of digits indicating number of times to repeat the subsequent command or keystroke. Key Bindings: Brief: Ctrl-R; Emacs: Alt-4

initiate-repeat-5 ()

Enter a sequence of digits indicating number of times to repeat the subsequent command or keystroke. Key Bindings: Emacs: Alt-5

initiate-repeat-6 ()

Enter a sequence of digits indicating number of times to repeat the subsequent command or keystroke. Key Bindings: Emacs: Alt-6

initiate-repeat-7 ()

Enter a sequence of digits indicating number of times to repeat the subsequent command or keystroke. Key Bindings: Emacs: Alt-7

initiate-repeat-8 ()

Enter a sequence of digits indicating number of times to repeat the subsequent command or keystroke. Key Bindings: Emacs: Alt-8

initiate-repeat-9 ()

Enter a sequence of digits indicating number of times to repeat the subsequent command or keystroke. Key Bindings: Emacs: Alt-9

internal-coverage-logging-start ()

Start logging more detailed information about coverage to ide.log

internal-coverage-logging-stop ()

Stop logging more detailed coverage information

internal-keystroke-logging-start (override_events=False)

Start logging information about keystroke processing to ide.log. If the override_events argument is true, include shortcut override events.

internal-keystroke-logging-stop ()

Stop logging information about keystroke processing to ide.log

internal-logging-start (name=None)

Start logging information about the internal subsystem to ide.log

internal-logging-stop (name=None)

Stop logging information about the internal subsystem to ide.log

internal-profile-start (print_freq=0, print_top_n=40)

Start internal profiling. Profile information is collected for Wing's internals until internal_profile_stop is executed. If the print_freq argument is > 0, stats will be printed to ide.log every print_freq seconds. The print_top_n arg specifies the number of top functions to print.

internal-profile-stop ()

Stop internal profiling after earlier internal_profile_start command. The profile can be found in the ide.log file or submitted to Wingware as part of the error log included with a bug report from the Help menu.

internal-tooltip-logging-start ()

Start logging information about tooltip processing to ide.log

internal-tooltip-logging-stop ()

Stop logging information about tooltip processing to ide.log

maximize-editor-to-window ()

Move the current editor out of the main document window and into its own editor-only window Key Bindings: MATLAB: Ctrl-Shift-U

new-blank-file (filename)

Create a new blank file on disk, open it in an editor, and add it to the current project.

new-directory (filename)

Create a new directory on disk and add it to the current project.

new-document-window ()

Create a new document window with same documents and panels as in the current document window (if any; otherwise empty with default panels) Key Bindings: Emacs: Ctrl-X 5 3; macOS: Shift-F4; XCode: Shift-F4

new-file (ext='.py')

Create a new file Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-N; Eclipse: Ctrl-N; macOS: Command-N; MATLAB: Ctrl-N; Visual Studio: Ctrl-N; XCode: Command-T

new-package (filename)

Create a new Python package directory on disk, add it to the current project, and open the new in the editor.

new-panel-window (panel_type=None)

Create a new panel window of given type

next-document (repeat=<numeric modifier; default=1>, alphabetical=None, all_splits=True)

Move to the next document open in the current window. If alphabetical is true, the list traversed will be alphabetized. If all_splits is true, documents from all splits will be traversed; otherwise, only the current split will be. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-0; Brief: Alt-N; Eclipse: Ctrl-F6; Emacs: Ctrl-X N; macOS: Command-0; MATLAB: Ctrl-PageDown; VI/VIM: g T; Visual Studio: Ctrl-0; XCode: Command-}

next-window ()

Switch to the next window alphabetically by title Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Comma; Eclipse: Ctrl-Comma; Emacs: Ctrl-X 5 O; MATLAB: Ctrl-Comma; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Comma

nth-document (n=<numeric modifier; default=0>, alphabetical=None, all_splits=True)

Move to the nth document open in the current window. If alphabetical is true, the list of documents will be alphabetized. If all_splits is true, documents from all splits will be in list; otherwise, only the current split will be. Key Bindings: VI/VIM: Ctrl-^

open (filename)

Open a file from disk using keyboard-driven selection of the file

open-container ()

Prompt user to open a file from a container

open-from-keyboard (filename)

Open a file from disk using keyboard-driven selection of the file Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-K; Eclipse: Ctrl-K; Emacs: Ctrl-X Ctrl-F; MATLAB: Ctrl-K; Visual Studio: Ctrl-K Ctrl-O

open-from-project (fragment='', skip_if_unique=False)

Open document from the project via the Open From Project dialog. The given fragment is used as the initial fragment filter and if it is None, the selected text or the symbol under the cursor is used. If skip_if_unique is true, the file is opened without the dialog being displayed if only one filename matches the fragment. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Shift-O; Eclipse: Ctrl-Shift-R; Emacs: Ctrl-X Ctrl-O; macOS: Command-Shift-O; MATLAB: Ctrl-Shift-F; VI/VIM: Ctrl-Shift-O; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Shift-O; XCode: Command-Shift-O

open-gui (filename=None)

Open a file from local disk or a remote host, prompting with file selection dialog if necessary. The dialog shown depends on the default starting directory, and may be for local files or remote files. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-O; Brief: Alt-E; Eclipse: Ctrl-O; macOS: Command-O; MATLAB: Ctrl-O; Visual Studio: Ctrl-O; XCode: Command-O

open-local (filename=None)

Prompt user to open a file from local disk

open-remote ()

Prompt user to open a file from a remote host

perspective-disable-auto ()

Disable auto-perspectives

perspective-enable-auto ()

Enable auto-perspectives

perspective-manage ()

Display the perspectives manager dialog

perspective-restore (name)

Restore the given named perspective.

perspective-update-with-current-state (name=None)

Update the perspective with the current state. If no name is given, the active perspective is used.

previous-document (repeat=<numeric modifier; default=1>, alphabetical=None, all_splits=True)

Move to the previous document open in the current window. If alphabetical is true, the list traversed will be alphabetized. If all_splits is true, documents from all splits will be traversed; otherwise, only the current split will be. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-9; Brief: Alt--; Eclipse: Ctrl-9; Emacs: Ctrl-X P; macOS: Command-9; MATLAB: Ctrl-PageUp; VI/VIM: g Shift-T; Visual Studio: Ctrl-9; XCode: Command-{

previous-window ()

Switch to the previous window alphabetically by title

quit ()

Quit the application. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Q; Brief: Alt-X; Eclipse: Ctrl-Q; Emacs: Ctrl-X Ctrl-C; macOS: Command-Q; MATLAB: Alt-F4; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Q; XCode: Command-Q

recent-document ()

Switches to previous document most recently visited in the current window or window set if in one-window-per-editor windowing mode. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-8; Eclipse: Ctrl-8; Emacs: Ctrl-X D; macOS: Command-8; MATLAB: Ctrl-8; Visual Studio: Ctrl-8; XCode: Command-8

reload-scripts ()

Force reload of all scripts, from all configured script directories. This is usually only needed when adding a new script file. Existing scripts are automatically reloaded when they change on disk.

remove-bookmark (mark, confirm=False)

Remove the given named bookmark, optionally confirming the removal with the user.

remove-bookmark-current ()

Remove bookmark at current line, if any. This command is only available if there is a bookmark on the line.

rename-current-file (filename)

Rename current file, moving the file on disk if it exists.

restart-wing ()

Restart the application

restore-default-tools ()

Hide/remove all tools and restore to original default state

save (close=False, force=False)

Save active document. Also close it if close is True. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-S; Brief: Alt-W; Eclipse: Ctrl-S; Emacs: Ctrl-X Ctrl-S; macOS: Command-S; MATLAB: Ctrl-S; VI/VIM: Ctrl-S; Visual Studio: Ctrl-S; XCode: Command-S

save-all (close_window=False)

Save all unsaved items, prompting for names for any new items that don't have a filename already. Key Bindings: Eclipse: Ctrl-Shift-S; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Shift-S

save-as ()

Save active document to a new file Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Shift-S; Eclipse: Ctrl-Shift-S; macOS: Command-Shift-S; MATLAB: Ctrl-Shift-S; XCode: Command-Shift-S

save-as-remote ()

Save active document to a new file on a remote host

scratch-document (title='Scratch', mime_type='text/plain')

Create a new scratch buffer with given title and mime type. The buffer is never marked as changed but can be saved w/ save-as.

set-bookmark (mark)

Set a bookmark at current location on the editor. Mark is the project-wide textual name of the bookmark, the category is set to the current bookmark category, and notes are left blank. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Alt-M; Brief: Alt-9 invokes set-bookmark(mark="9"); Eclipse: Ctrl-Alt-M; Emacs: Ctrl-X R M; macOS: Command-B; MATLAB: Ctrl-Alt-M; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Alt-M; XCode: Command-B

set-bookmark-default ()

Set a bookmark at current line, using a default bookmark name for that context. This command is only available if there is not already a bookmark on the line. The bookmark's category is set to the current bookmark category, and notes are left blank.

set-bookmark-dialog ()

Set a bookmark at the current location on the editor using a dialog to set the bookmark name, category, and notes. The default name is auto-generated based on location, and default category is set to the current bookmark category.

set-bookmark-dialog-at-click ()

Set a bookmark at the clicked location on the editor using a dialog to set the bookmark name, category, and notes. The default name is auto-generated based on location, and default category is set to the current bookmark category.

show-bookmarks ()

Show a list of all currently defined bookmarks Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Alt-K; Brief: Alt-J; Eclipse: Ctrl-Alt-K; Emacs: Ctrl-X R Return; macOS: Command-Shift-K; MATLAB: Ctrl-Alt-K; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Alt-K; XCode: Command-Shift-K

show-bug-report-dialog ()

Show the bug reporting dialog

show-document (section='manual')

Show the given documentation section Key Bindings: macOS: Command-?; XCode: Command-Alt-?

show-feedback-dialog ()

Show the feedback submission dialog

show-file-in-editor (filename, lineno=None, col=-1, length=0)

Show the given file in the editor. Selects the code starting and given column (if >= 0) and of given length.

show-file-in-os-file-manager (filename=None)

Show the selected file in the Explorer, Finder, or other OS-provided file manager. Shows the given file, if any, or the current file selected in the GUI.

show-howtos ()

Show the How-Tos index

show-html-document (section='manual')

Show the given document section in HTML format.

show-line-numbers (show=1)

Show the line numbers in editors

show-manual-html ()

Show the HTML version of the Wing users manual

show-manual-pdf ()

Show the PDF version of the Wing users manual for either US Letter or A4, depending on user's print locale

show-panel (panel_type, flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Show most recently visited panel instance of given type. If no such panel exists, add one to the primary window and show it. Returns the panel view object or None if not shown. Focus is shifted to panel if grab_focus is specified and is true; if grab_focus is not specified, it defaults to the value of flash.

The valid panel types are:

project (*) browser (**) batch-search (*) interactive-search source-assistant (**) debug-data debug-stack debug-io debug-exceptions debug-breakpoints (**) debug-console (**) debug-watch (**) debug-modules (**) python-shell messages (*) help indent (**) bookmarks (**) testing (**) open-files (*) os-command (**) snippets (**) diff (**) uses (**) refactoring (**) versioncontrol.svn (**) versioncontrol.hg (**) versioncontrol.git (**) versioncontrol.cvs (**) versioncontrol.perforce (**) code-warnings (**) containers (**) packages (**) imports (**) ai (**)

(*) Wing Personal and Pro only (**) Wing Pro only Key Bindings: Eclipse: Alt-Shift-T invokes show-panel(panel_type="refactoring"); MATLAB: F1 invokes show-panel(panel_type="source-assistant")

show-panel-ai (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-batch-search (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-bookmarks (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-browser (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-code-warnings (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-containers (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-debug-breakpoints (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-debug-console (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-debug-data (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-debug-exceptions (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-debug-io (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-debug-modules (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-debug-stack (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-debug-watch (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-diff (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-help (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-imports (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-indent (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-interactive-search (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-messages (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-open-files (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-os-command (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-packages (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-project (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-python-shell (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-refactoring (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-snippets (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented Key Bindings: XCode: Command-Alt-Ctrl-2

show-panel-source-assistant (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented Key Bindings: XCode: Command-Alt-Ctrl-/

show-panel-testing (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-uses (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-versioncontrol-cvs (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-versioncontrol-git (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-versioncontrol-hg (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-versioncontrol-perforce (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-panel-versioncontrol-svn (flash=True, grab_focus=None)

Not documented

show-plugins-gui ()

Show the plugins GUI for enabling and disabling plugins

show-preferences-gui (prefname=None)

Edit the preferences file using the preferences GUI, optionally opening to the section that contains the given preference by name Key Bindings: macOS: Command-Comma; XCode: Command-Comma

show-python-donate-html ()

Show the Python donations web page

show-python-for-beginners-html ()

Show the Python for Beginners web page

show-python-manual-html ()

Show the Python users manual

show-python-org-html ()

Show the site home page

show-python-org-search-html ()

Show the site search page

show-qa-html ()

Show the Wing Q&A site

show-quickstart ()

Show the quick start guide

show-success-stories-html ()

Show the Python Success Stories page

show-support-html ()

Show the Wing support site home page

show-text-registers ()

Show the contents of all non-empty text registers in a temporary editor

show-tutorial ()

Show the tutorial

show-wingtip (section='/')

Show the Wing Tips window

show-wingware-donate ()

Show the Wingware donation page

show-wingware-store ()

Show the Wingware store for purchasing a license

show-wingware-website ()

Show the Wingware home page

show-wingware-wiki ()

Show the contributed materials area

start-terminal ()

Start a terminal in the OS Commands tool

switch-document (document_name)

Switches to named document. Name may either be the complete name or the last path component of a path name. Key Bindings: Emacs: Ctrl-X B; Visual Studio: Ctrl-K Ctrl-S

terminate-os-command (title)

Terminate one of the stored commands in the OS Commands tool, selecting it by its title

toggle-bookmark ()

Set or remove a bookmark at current location on the editor. When set, the name of the bookmark is set to an auto-generated default, the category is set to the current bookmark category, and notes are left blank. When removed, the bookmark is removed without confirmation. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Alt-T; Eclipse: Ctrl-Alt-T; Emacs: Ctrl-X R T; macOS: Command-Shift-B; MATLAB: Ctrl-F2; Visual Studio: Ctrl-K Ctrl-K; XCode: Command-Shift-B

toggle-bookmark-at-click ()

Set or remove a bookmark at the position in the editor where the most recent mouse click occurred. When set, the name of the bookmark is set to an auto-generated default, the category is set to the current bookmark category, and notes are left blank. When removed, the bookmark is removed without confirmation.

toggle-line-numbers ()

Toggle whether or not line numbers are shown in editors

toolbar-search (text, next=False, set_anchor=True, forward=True)

Search using given text and the toolbar search area. The search is always forward from the current cursor or selection position

toolbar-search-focus ()

Move focus to toolbar search entry. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Alt-D; Eclipse: Ctrl-Alt-D; MATLAB: Ctrl-Alt-D; Visual Studio: Ctrl-K Ctrl-D

toolbar-search-next (set_anchor=True)

Move to next match of text already entered in the toolbar search area

toolbar-search-prev (set_anchor=True)

Move to previous match of text already entered in the toolbar search area

unmaximize-editors-from-window ()

Move all the editors in the current editor-only window back into the main document window and close the editor-only window. A new main document window is created if none currently exists. Key Bindings: MATLAB: Ctrl-Shift-D

validate-install ()

Validate the Wing installation, checking that all files are present and have the expected contents

vi-delete-bookmark (marks)

Remove one or more bookmarks without confirmation (pass in space separated list of names)

vi-goto-bookmark ()

Goto bookmark using single character name defined by the next pressed key Key Bindings: VI/VIM: '

vi-set-bookmark ()

Set a bookmark at current location on the editor using the next key press as the name of the bookmark. Key Bindings: VI/VIM: m

wing-tips ()

Display interactive tip manager

write-changed-file-and-close (filename)

Write current document to given location only if it contains any changes and close it. Writes to current file name if given filename is None.

write-file (filename, start_line=None, end_line=None, follow=True)

Write current file to a new location, optionally omitting all but the lines in the given range. The editor is changed to point to the new location when follow is True. If follow is 'untitled' then the editor is changed to point to the new location only if starting with an untitled buffer and saving the whole file. Note that the editor contents will be truncated to the given start/end lines when follow is True. Key Bindings: Emacs: Ctrl-X Ctrl-W

write-file-and-close (filename)

Write current document to given location and close it. Saves to current file name if the given filename is None. Key Bindings: VI/VIM: Shift-Z Shift-Z invokes write-file-and-close(filename=None)

Dock Window Commands

Commands for windows that contain dockable tool areas. These are available for the currently active window, if any.

display-toolbox-on-left ()

Display the tall toolbox on the right.

display-toolbox-on-right ()

Display the tall toolbox on the left.

enter-fullscreen ()

Hide both the vertical and horizontal tool areas and toolbar, saving previous state so it can be restored later with exit_fullscreen Key Bindings: Wing: Shift-F2; Brief: Shift-F2; Eclipse: Ctrl-M; Emacs: Shift-F2; macOS: Shift-F2; MATLAB: Ctrl-Shift-M; VI/VIM: Shift-F2; Visual Studio: Shift-F2; XCode: Shift-F2

exit-fullscreen ()

Restore previous non-fullscreen state of all tools and tool bar Key Bindings: Wing: Shift-F2; Brief: Shift-F2; Eclipse: Ctrl-M; Emacs: Shift-F2; macOS: Shift-F2; MATLAB: Ctrl-Shift-M; VI/VIM: Shift-F2; Visual Studio: Shift-F2; XCode: Shift-F2

hide-horizontal-tools ()

Hide the horizontal tool area

hide-toolbar ()

Hide toolbars in all document windows

hide-vertical-tools ()

Hide the vertical tool area

minimize-horizontal-tools ()

Minimize the horizontal tool area Key Binding: F1

minimize-vertical-tools ()

Minimize the vertical tool area Key Binding: F2

show-horizontal-tools ()

Show the horizontal tool area Key Binding: F1

show-toolbar ()

Show toolbars in all document windows

show-vertical-tools ()

Show the vertical tool area Key Binding: F2

toggle-horizontal-tools ()

Show or minimize the horizontal tool area Key Bindings: XCode: Command-Shift-Y

toggle-vertical-tools ()

Show or minimize the vertical tool area Key Bindings: XCode: Command-0

Document Viewer Commands

Commands for the documentation viewer. These are available when the documentation viewer has the keyboard focus.

copy ()

Copy any selected text. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-C; Brief: Ctrl-C; Eclipse: Ctrl-C; Emacs: Alt-W; macOS: Command-C; MATLAB: Ctrl-C; VI/VIM: Ctrl-Insert; Visual Studio: Ctrl-C; XCode: Command-C

document-back ()

Go back to prior page in the history of those that have been viewed

document-contents ()

Go to the document contents page

document-forward ()

Go forward to next page in the history of those that have been viewed

document-next ()

Go to the next page in the current document

document-previous ()

Go to the previous page in the current document

isearch-backward (search_string=None, repeat=<numeric modifier; default=1>)

Initiate incremental mini-search backward from the cursor position, optionally entering the given search string. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Shift-U; Eclipse: Ctrl-Shift-J; Emacs: Ctrl-R; macOS: Command-Shift-U; MATLAB: Ctrl-Shift-R; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Shift-U; XCode: Command-Shift-U

isearch-backward-regex (search_string=None, repeat=<numeric modifier; default=1>)

Initiate incremental regular expression mini-search backward from the cursor position, optionally entering the given search string. Key Bindings: Emacs: Ctrl-Alt-R; VI/VIM: ?

isearch-forward (search_string=None, repeat=<numeric modifier; default=1>)

Initiate incremental mini-search forward from the cursor position, optionally entering the given search string. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-U; Eclipse: Ctrl-J; Emacs: Ctrl-S; macOS: Command-U; MATLAB: Ctrl-Shift-S; Visual Studio: Ctrl-I; XCode: Command-U

isearch-forward-regex (search_string=None, repeat=<numeric modifier; default=1>)

Initiate incremental regular expression mini-search forward from the cursor position, optionally entering the given search string. Key Bindings: Emacs: Ctrl-Alt-S; VI/VIM: /

isearch-repeat (reverse=False, repeat=<numeric modifier; default=1>)

Repeat the most recent isearch, using same string and regex/text. Reverse direction when reverse is True. Key Bindings: VI/VIM: Shift-N invokes isearch-repeat(reverse=1)

isearch-sel-backward (persist=True, repeat=<numeric modifier; default=1>)

Initiate incremental mini-search backward from the cursor position, using current selection as the search string. Set persist=False to do the search but end the interactive search session immediately. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Shift-B; Eclipse: Ctrl-Shift-B; Emacs: Ctrl-C R; MATLAB: Ctrl-Shift-B; VI/VIM: # invokes isearch-sel-backward(persist=0, whole_word=1); Visual Studio: Ctrl-Shift-B

isearch-sel-forward (persist=True, repeat=<numeric modifier; default=1>)

Initiate incremental mini-search forward from the cursor position, using current selection as the search string. Set persist=False to do the search but end the interactive search session immediately. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-B; Eclipse: Ctrl-B; Emacs: Ctrl-C S; MATLAB: Ctrl-B; VI/VIM: * invokes isearch-sel-forward(persist=0, whole_word=1); Visual Studio: Ctrl-B

zoom-in ()

Increase documentation font size Key Binding: Ctrl-+

zoom-out ()

Decrease documentation font size Key Binding: Ctrl--

zoom-reset ()

Reset documentation font size to default Key Binding: Ctrl-_

Global Documentation Commands

Commands for the documentation viewer that are available regardless of where the focus is.

document-search (txt=None)

Search all documentation.

Window Commands

Commands for windows in general. These are available for the currently active window, if any.

focus-current-editor ()

Move focus back to the current editor, out of any tool, if there is an active editor. Key Bindings: Eclipse: Ctrl-Shift-E; XCode: Command-J

move-editor-focus (dir=1, wrap=True)

Move focus to next or previous editor split, optionally wrapping when the end is reached. Key Bindings: Emacs: Ctrl-X O; MATLAB: F6; VI/VIM: Ctrl-W W invokes move-editor-focus(dir=-1)

move-editor-focus-first ()

Move focus to first editor split Key Bindings: VI/VIM: Ctrl-W t

move-editor-focus-last ()

Move focus to last editor split Key Bindings: VI/VIM: Ctrl-W b

move-editor-focus-previous ()

Move focus to previous editor split Key Bindings: VI/VIM: Ctrl-W p

move-focus ()

Move the keyboard focus forward within the Window to the next editable area Key Binding: Shift-F1

next-tool (wrap=True)

Show the next tool, starting with most recently shown tool Key Bindings: MATLAB: Ctrl-F6

prev-tool (wrap=True)

Show the previous tool, starting with the move recently shown tool Key Bindings: MATLAB: Ctrl-Shift-F6

Wing Tips Commands

Commands for the Wing Tips tool. These are only available when the tool is visible and has focus

wingtips-close ()

Close the Wing Tips window

wingtips-contents ()

Go to the Wing Tips contents page

wingtips-next ()

Go to the next page in Wing Tips

wingtips-next-unseen ()

Go to a next unseen Wing Tips page

wingtips-previous ()

Go to the previous page in Wing Tips