Unit Testing Commands

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Unit Testing Commands

Globally available commands defined for the unit testing manager. These commands are available regardless of whether a testing manager is visible or has keyboard focus.

abort-tests ()

Abort any running tests.

add-testing-file (add_current=False)

Add a file to the set of unit tests. Adds the current editor file if add_current=True. Otherwise, asks the user to select a file.

add-testing-files (locs=None)

Add a file or files to the set of unit tests. locs can be a list of filenames or locations or a single filename or location. Adds the current editor file if locs is None.

clear-test-results ()

Not documented

code-coverage-clear ()

Clear all previously collected unit test code coverage data

code-coverage-export (output_format='json', filename=None)

Export unit test code coverage data to a specified file in the selected ouput_format. The output_format may be 'raw' (coverage.py data file format), 'json' (the default if unspecified), 'xml', 'lcov', or 'html' (a directory with an html formatted report). If no filename is given, the user will be prompted.

code-coverage-show-html-report ()

Generate an HTML unit test code coverage report and display it in an external browser

code-coverage-toggle ()

Enable or disable collection of code coverage statistics when running unit tests

debug-all-tests ()

Debug all the tests in testing panel. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Shift-F6; Brief: Ctrl-Shift-F6; Eclipse: Ctrl-Shift-F6; Emacs: Ctrl-Shift-F6; macOS: Command-Shift-F6; MATLAB: Ctrl-Shift-F6; VI/VIM: Ctrl-Shift-F6; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Shift-F6; XCode: Command-Shift-F6

debug-clicked-tests ()

Runs the clicked test or tests, if possible. The tests are determined by the last clicked position in the active view.

debug-current-tests ()

Runs the current test or tests, if possible. The current tests are determined by the current position in the active view. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Shift-F7; Brief: Ctrl-Shift-F7; Eclipse: Ctrl-Shift-F7; Emacs: Ctrl-Shift-F7; macOS: Command-Shift-F7; MATLAB: Ctrl-Shift-F7; VI/VIM: Ctrl-Shift-F7; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Shift-F7; XCode: Command-Shift-F7

debug-failed-tests ()

Re-run all the previously failed tests in the debugger. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Alt-F6; Brief: Ctrl-Alt-F6; Eclipse: Ctrl-Alt-F6; Emacs: Ctrl-Alt-F6; macOS: Command-Option-F6; MATLAB: Ctrl-Alt-F6; VI/VIM: Ctrl-Alt-F6; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Alt-F6; XCode: Command-Option-F6

debug-last-tests ()

Debug the last group of tests that were run. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Alt-F7; Brief: Ctrl-Alt-F7; Eclipse: Ctrl-Alt-F7; Emacs: Ctrl-Alt-F7; macOS: Command-Option-F7; MATLAB: Ctrl-Alt-F7; VI/VIM: Ctrl-Alt-F7; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Alt-F7; XCode: Command-Option-F7

debug-selected-tests ()

Debug the tests currently selected in the testing panel.

debug-test-files (locs=None)

Debug the tests in the current editor. Uses the given file or files if locs is not None. The locations can be a list of filenames or locations or a single filename or location.

internal-testing-logging-start ()

Start verbose logging of test results

internal-testing-logging-stop ()

Stop verbose logging of test results

load-test-results (filename)

Load all test results from a file.

remove-individually-added-testing-files ()

Remove all files added individually

run-all-tests (debug=False)

Runs all the tests in testing panel. Key Bindings: Wing: Shift-F6; Brief: Shift-F6; Eclipse: Shift-F6; Emacs: Shift-F6; macOS: Shift-F6; MATLAB: Shift-F6; VI/VIM: Shift-F6; Visual Studio: Shift-F6; XCode: Command-U

run-clicked-tests (debug=False)

Runs the clicked test or tests, if possible. The tests are determined by the last clicked position in the active view. The tests are debugged when debug is True.

run-current-tests (debug=False)

Runs the current test or tests, if possible. The current tests are determined by the current position in the active view. The tests are debugged when debug is True. Key Binding: Shift-F7

run-failed-tests (debug=False)

Re-run all the previously failed tests. The tests are debugged when debug is True. Key Bindings: Wing: Alt-F6; Brief: Alt-F6; Eclipse: Alt-F6; Emacs: Alt-F6; macOS: Option-F6; MATLAB: Alt-F6; VI/VIM: Alt-F6; Visual Studio: Alt-F6; XCode: Option-F6

run-last-tests (debug=False)

Run again the last group of tests that were run. The tests are debugged when debug is True. Key Bindings: Wing: Alt-F7; Brief: Alt-F7; Eclipse: Alt-F7; Emacs: Alt-F7; macOS: Option-F7; MATLAB: Alt-F7; VI/VIM: Alt-F7; Visual Studio: Alt-F7; XCode: Option-F7

run-selected-tests (debug=False)

Run the tests currently selected in the testing panel. The tests are debugged when debug is True.

run-stale-tests ()

Re-run all the tests with stale test results that have been invalidated by edits made since the last time the test was run, as determined by inspection of code coverage data.

run-test-files (locs=None, debug=False)

Run or debug the tests in the current editor. Uses the given file or files instead if locs is not None. The locations list may be a list of locations or filenames or a single location or filename. The tests are debugged if debug=True.

run-unrun-tests ()

Run all the tests that have no known test result.

save-all-test-results (filename)

Save all test results to a file.