Search Manager Commands
Toolbar Search Commands
Commands available when the tool bar search entry area has the keyboard focus.
backward-char ()
Move backward one character Key Bindings: Wing: Left; Brief: Left; Eclipse: Left; Emacs: Ctrl-B; macOS: Ctrl-b; MATLAB: Left; VI/VIM: Ctrl-h; Visual Studio: Left; XCode: Ctrl-b
backward-char-extend ()
Move backward one character, extending the selection Key Binding: Shift-Left
backward-delete-char ()
Delete character behind the cursor Key Bindings: Wing: Shift-BackSpace; Brief: Shift-BackSpace; Eclipse: Shift-BackSpace; Emacs: Ctrl-H; macOS: Ctrl-h; MATLAB: Shift-BackSpace; VI/VIM: Ctrl-H; Visual Studio: Shift-BackSpace; XCode: Ctrl-h
backward-delete-word ()
Delete word behind the cursor Key Bindings: Wing: Alt-Delete; Brief: Alt-Delete; Eclipse: Alt-Delete; Emacs: Alt-Delete; macOS: Option-Backspace; MATLAB: Alt-Delete; VI/VIM: Ctrl-W; Visual Studio: Alt-Delete; XCode: Option-Backspace
backward-word ()
Move backward one word Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Left; Brief: Ctrl-Left; Eclipse: Ctrl-Left; Emacs: Alt-B; macOS: Ctrl-Left invokes backward-word(delimiters="_`~!@#$%^&*()+-={}[]\|;:'",.<>/? trn"); MATLAB: Ctrl-Left; VI/VIM: Ctrl-W; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Left; XCode: Ctrl-Left invokes backward-word(delimiters="_`~!@#$%^&*()+-={}[]\|;:'",.<>/? trn")
backward-word-extend ()
Move backward one word, extending the selection Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Shift-Left; Brief: Ctrl-Shift-Left; Eclipse: Ctrl-Shift-Left; Emacs: Ctrl-Shift-Left; macOS: Option-Shift-Left; MATLAB: Ctrl-Shift-Left; VI/VIM: Ctrl-Shift-Left; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Shift-Left; XCode: Option-Shift-Left
beginning-of-line ()
Move to the beginning of the toolbar search entry Key Bindings: Brief: Shift-Home; Emacs: Ctrl-A; macOS: Ctrl-a; VI/VIM: 0 invokes beginning-of-line(toggle=0); XCode: Ctrl-a
beginning-of-line-extend ()
Move to the beginning of the toolbar search entry, extending the selection Key Bindings: Emacs: Shift-Home; macOS: Command-Shift-Left; XCode: Command-Shift-Left
copy ()
Cut selection Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-C; Brief: Ctrl-C; Eclipse: Ctrl-C; Emacs: Alt-W; macOS: Command-C; MATLAB: Ctrl-C; VI/VIM: Ctrl-Insert; Visual Studio: Ctrl-C; XCode: Command-C
cut ()
Cut selection Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-X; Brief: Ctrl-X; Eclipse: Ctrl-X; Emacs: Ctrl-W; macOS: Command-X; MATLAB: Ctrl-X; VI/VIM: Shift-Delete; Visual Studio: Ctrl-X; XCode: Command-X
end-of-line ()
Move to the end of the toolbar search entry Key Bindings: Wing: End; Brief: Shift-End; Eclipse: End; Emacs: Ctrl-E; macOS: Ctrl-e; MATLAB: Ctrl-E; VI/VIM: $; Visual Studio: End; XCode: Ctrl-e
end-of-line-extend ()
Move to the end of the toolbar search entry, extending the selection Key Bindings: Wing: Shift-End; Brief: Shift-End; Eclipse: Shift-End; Emacs: Shift-End; macOS: Command-Shift-Right; MATLAB: Shift-End; VI/VIM: Shift-End; Visual Studio: Shift-End; XCode: Command-Shift-Right
forward-char ()
Move forward one character Key Bindings: Wing: Right; Brief: Right; Eclipse: Right; Emacs: Ctrl-F; macOS: Ctrl-f; MATLAB: Right; VI/VIM: l invokes forward-char(wrap=0); Visual Studio: Right; XCode: Ctrl-f
forward-char-extend ()
Move forward one character, extending the selection Key Binding: Shift-Right
forward-delete-char ()
Delete character in front of the cursor Key Bindings: Wing: Delete; Brief: Delete; Eclipse: Delete; Emacs: Ctrl-D; macOS: Ctrl-d; MATLAB: Delete; VI/VIM: Delete; Visual Studio: Delete; XCode: Ctrl-d
forward-delete-word ()
Delete word in front of the cursor Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Delete; Brief: Ctrl-K; Eclipse: Ctrl-Delete; Emacs: Alt-D; macOS: Option-Delete; MATLAB: Ctrl-Delete; VI/VIM: Ctrl-Delete; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Delete; XCode: Option-Delete
forward-word ()
Move forward one word Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Right; Brief: Ctrl-Right; Eclipse: Ctrl-Right; Emacs: Alt-F; macOS: Option-Right; MATLAB: Ctrl-Right; VI/VIM: Shift-E invokes forward-word(delimiters=" tnr", gravity="endm1"); Visual Studio: Ctrl-Right; XCode: Option-Right
forward-word-extend ()
Move forward one word, extending the selection Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Shift-Right; Brief: Ctrl-Shift-Right; Eclipse: Ctrl-Shift-Right; Emacs: Ctrl-Shift-Right; macOS: Ctrl-Shift-Right invokes forward-word-extend(delimiters="_`~!@#$%^&*()+-={}[]\|;:'",.<>/? trn"); MATLAB: Ctrl-Shift-Right; VI/VIM: Ctrl-Shift-Right; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Shift-Right; XCode: Ctrl-Shift-Right invokes forward-word-extend(delimiters="_`~!@#$%^&*()+-={}[]\|;:'",.<>/? trn")
paste ()
Paste from clipboard Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-V; Brief: Ctrl-V; Eclipse: Ctrl-V; Emacs: Ctrl-Y; macOS: Command-V; MATLAB: Ctrl-V; VI/VIM: Shift-Insert; Visual Studio: Ctrl-V; XCode: Command-V
Search Manager Commands
Globally available commands defined for the search manager. These commands are available regardless of whether a search manager is visible or has keyboard focus.
batch-replace (look_in=None, use_selection=True)
Display search and replace in files tool. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Shift-H; Eclipse: Ctrl-Shift-H; Emacs: Ctrl-); macOS: Command-Shift-R; MATLAB: Ctrl-Shift-H; VI/VIM: Ctrl-Shift-G; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Shift-H; XCode: Command-Alt-Shift-F
batch-search (look_in=None, use_selection=True, search_text=None)
Search on current selection using the Search in Files tool. The look_in argument gets entered in the look in field if not None or ''. The current selection is put into the search field if it doesn't span multiple lines and either use_selection is true or there's nothing in the search field. The given search text is used instead, if provided Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Shift-F; Eclipse: Ctrl-Shift-U invokes batch-search(look_in="Current File"); Emacs: Ctrl-(; macOS: Command-Shift-F; MATLAB: Ctrl-H; VI/VIM: Ctrl-Shift-F; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Shift-F; XCode: Command-Shift-F
batch-search-backward ()
Move to the previous found match in the Search in Files tool.
batch-search-forward ()
Move to the next found match in the Search in Files tool.
batch-search-pause ()
Pause the currently running batch search, if any
replace ()
Bring up the search manager in replace mode. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-H; Brief: Alt-T; Eclipse: Ctrl-H; Emacs: Ctrl-0; macOS: Command-R; MATLAB: Ctrl-H; Visual Studio: Ctrl-H; XCode: Command-Alt-F
replace-again ()
Replace current selection with the search manager.
replace-and-search ()
Replace current selection and search again. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-I; Brief: Shift-F6; Eclipse: Ctrl-I; macOS: Command-Ctrl-R; MATLAB: Ctrl-I; XCode: Command-Ctrl-R
search ()
Bring up the search manager in search mode. Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-F; Brief: F5; Eclipse: Ctrl-F; Emacs: Ctrl-9; macOS: Command-F; MATLAB: Ctrl-F; VI/VIM: Alt-F3; Visual Studio: Ctrl-F; XCode: Command-F
search-again (search_string='', direction=1)
Search again using the search manager's current settings.
search-backward (search_string=None)
Search again using the search manager's current settings in backward direction Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Shift-G; Brief: Shift-F3; Eclipse: Ctrl-Shift-K; Emacs: Shift-F3; macOS: Command-Shift-G; MATLAB: Ctrl-Shift-G; VI/VIM: Shift-F3; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Shift-G; XCode: Command-Shift-G
search-forward (search_string='')
Search again using the search manager's current settings in forward direction Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-G; Brief: Shift-F5; Eclipse: Ctrl-K; Emacs: F3; macOS: Command-G; MATLAB: Ctrl-G; VI/VIM: F3; Visual Studio: F3; XCode: Command-G
search-sel ()
Search forward using current selection
search-sel-backward ()
Search backward using current selection Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Alt-B; Brief: Alt-F5; Eclipse: Ctrl-Alt-B; Emacs: Ctrl-Alt-B; macOS: Command-Shift-F3; MATLAB: Ctrl-Alt-B; VI/VIM: Ctrl-Shift-F3; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Alt-B; XCode: Command-Shift-F3
search-sel-forward ()
Search forward using current selection Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-Alt-F; Brief: Ctrl-F3; Eclipse: Ctrl-Alt-F; Emacs: Ctrl-Alt-F; macOS: Command-E; MATLAB: Ctrl-Alt-F; VI/VIM: Ctrl-F3; Visual Studio: Ctrl-Alt-F; XCode: Command-E
Search Manager Instance Commands
Commands for a particular search manager instance. These are only available when the search manager has they keyboard focus.
clear ()
Clear selected text
copy ()
Copy selected text Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-C; Brief: Ctrl-C; Eclipse: Ctrl-C; Emacs: Alt-W; macOS: Command-C; MATLAB: Ctrl-C; VI/VIM: Ctrl-Insert; Visual Studio: Ctrl-C; XCode: Command-C
cut ()
Cut selected text Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-X; Brief: Ctrl-X; Eclipse: Ctrl-X; Emacs: Ctrl-W; macOS: Command-X; MATLAB: Ctrl-X; VI/VIM: Shift-Delete; Visual Studio: Ctrl-X; XCode: Command-X
forward-tab ()
Place a forward tab at the current cursor position in search or replace string Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-T; Brief: Ctrl-T; Eclipse: Ctrl-T; Emacs: Ctrl-T; macOS: Ctrl-T; MATLAB: Tab; VI/VIM: Ctrl-T; Visual Studio: Ctrl-T; XCode: Ctrl-T
paste ()
Paste text from clipboard Key Bindings: Wing: Ctrl-V; Brief: Ctrl-V; Eclipse: Ctrl-V; Emacs: Ctrl-Y; macOS: Command-V; MATLAB: Ctrl-V; VI/VIM: Shift-Insert; Visual Studio: Ctrl-V; XCode: Command-V