Wing Tips: AI Assisted Development in Wing Pro
This Wing Tip introduces Wing Pro's AI assisted software development capabilities. Starting with Wing Pro version 10, you can use generative AI to write new code at the current editor insertion point, or you can use the AI tool to refactor, redesign, or extend existing code.
Generative AI is astonishingly capable as a programmer's assistant. As long as you provide it with sufficient context and clear instructions, it can cleanly and correctly execute a wide variety of programming tasks.
AI Code Suggestion
Here is an example where Wing Pro's AI code suggestion capability is used to write a missing method for an existing class. The AI knows what to add because it can see what precedes and follows the insertion point in the editor. It infers from that context what code you would like it to produce:

Shown above: Typing 'def get_full_name' followed by Ctrl-? to initiate AI suggestion mode. The suggested code is accepted by pressing Enter.
AI Refactoring
AI refactoring is even more powerful. You can request changes to existing code according to written instructions. For example, you might ask it to "convert this threaded implementation to run asynchronously instead":

Shown above: Running the highlighted request in the AI tool to convert multithreaded code to run asynchronously instead.
Description-Driven Development
Wing Pro's AI refactoring tool can also be used to write new code at the current insertion point, according to written instructions. For example, you might ask it to "add client and server classes that expose all the public methods of FileManager to a client process using sockets and JSON":

Shown above: Using the AI tool to request implementation of client/server classes for remote access to an existing class.
Simpler and perhaps more common requests like "write documentation strings for these methods" and "create unit tests for class Person" of course also work. In general, Wing Pro's AI assistant can do any reasonably sized chunk of work for which you can clearly state instructions.
Used correctly, this capability will have a significant impact on your productivity as a programmer. Instead of typing out code manually, your role changes to one of directing an intelligent assistant capable of completing a wide range of programming tasks very quickly. You will still need to review and accept or reject the AI's work. Generative AI can't replace you, but it allows you to concentrate much more on higher-level design and much less on implementation details.
Getting Started
Wing Pro uses OpenAI as its AI provider, and you will need to create and pay for your own OpenAI account before you can use this feature. You may need to pay up to US $50 up front to be given computational rate limits that are high enough to use AI for your software development. However, individual requests often cost less than a US$ 0.01. More complex tasks may cost up to 30 cents, if you provide a lot of context with them. This is still far less than the paid programmer time the AI is replacing.
To use AI assisted development effectively, and you will need to learn how to create well-designed requests that provide the AI both with the necessary relevant context and clear and specific instructions. Please read all of the AI Assisted Development documentation for details on setup, framing requests, and monitoring costs. It takes a bit of time to get started, but it is well worth the effort to incorporate generative AI into your tool chain.
That's it for now! We'll be back soon with more Wing Tips for Wing Python IDE.
As always, please don't hesitate to email if you run into problems or have any questions.
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